No T’s Please

soup challenge - hot soup!

soup challenge – hot soup! (Photo credit: Phil Dowsing Creative)

Challenging bypassing one ABC symbol, no?  YES!  However, we can do so.  Read on.

Once upon a many a moon

A wee lass used a crooked spoon

For soup ablaze and burned her lips,

Excessively hurried for prissy sips.

Spilled and splashed and cried aloud

“Nevermore such fire”, she vowed

“Only meals lukewarm or cool –

                                                      Feed me ice, and day-old gruel.”

Go ahead – endeavour now.  Hardly simple, wholly fun.  Headache soon follows.

7 thoughts on “No T’s Please

  1. ok I will give idea a whirl…How can you say well done and a blog of huge magnificance if you are unable can inscribe however …i can say you did well. and was meaningful.

    that is not easy but as you say it was fun trying TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT


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