Bogus Wonder Woman Wonders

Who Is Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman? (Photo credit: Wikipedia) (This isn’t actually me, although I’m quite similar.)

Daily Prompt: Write an entire post without using any three-letter words.

That should read – write an entire post using absolutely no three-letter words. There, that’s better.  So…here goes nothing.

Things Bogus Wonder Woman (my latest alias) is wondering about today which will be more or less forgotten by tomorrow:

1.  That fellow hitch hiking  across Canada wearing Stanfield’s underwear.  In November no less.  Is he crazy?  Raising testicular cancer awareness in this manner sounds seriously chilly.  I wonder where he is today.

2.  I wonder where half of November went when I wasn’t paying attention.

3.  This afterclap  word supposedly means an unexpected subsequent event, like a further clap of thunder.  However, I think it could also refer to a point in time following venereal disease recovery.  Wondering if this definition shouldn’t be added to dictionaries everywhere.  Insufficiently motivated to further pursue.

4.  Nursery rhymes have become seriously outdated, which means children find them hard to understand.  I wonder if this rewrite of Little Miss Muffet would ever catch on.

Little Miss Blogfair sitting on desk chair

Munching on chocolate eclairs,

Following comments, editing content,

Sobbing when nobody cares.

No?  Well alrighty then, moving right along….

5. I wonder what’s being served this evening at dinner time?  Should I perhaps be looking into this question more deeply?  Instead of wasting time avoiding three-letter words?  Word avoidance of a particular length turned into a harder feat than originally anticipated.  Although avoiding every letter E would be much worse.

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