
Easter postcard circa early 20th century

Easter postcard circa early 20th century (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Daily Prompt:

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” – the White Queen, Alice in Wonderland.

What are the six impossible things you believe in? (If you can only manage one or two, that’s also okay.)

No problem, I can probably manage a dozen.  And all before breakfast as well.  The White Queen’s got nothing on me. But as impossible as this might sound, I am going to limit myself to six, because breakfast cannot be put off forever.

My guidelines will be the six definitions of impossible.
1.  not possible; unable to be, exist, happen, etc.  Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Cupid and the Tooth Fairy.  They are all out there.  I’ve seen the results of their existence.  That’s good enough for me

2. unable to be done, performed, effected, etc.: an impossible assignment.  I believe in miracles.  They happen all the time.  You will never get there in time, you will never walk again, you will never beat this disease, you will never be truly happy – all pessimistic lies.  Never, NEVER say never.

3.  incapable of being true, as a rumor.  Here’s the thing about rumors and gossip – what you hear is no doubt true about somebody, and that somebody is quite possibly the person spreading the misery.  We see in others what we most despise in ourselves.  You may think it’s impossible to stop the rumors or to shut some one up, but see number 2 above.  Miracles happen when gossip is important only to the gossip-er and not the gossip-ee.

4.  not to be done, endured, etc., with any degree of reason or propriety: an impossible situation.  Perfect example – High School.  Raise your hand if you thought you’d never make it out of there alive.  And yet, here you are.  You endured.  It’s kind of amazing the impossible situations that can in fact be endured and lived through and written about later with a great deal of humor which was totally inconceivable at the time it was actually happening to you.

5.  utterly impracticable: an impossible plan.  I believe I am going to live forever in some form or other.  I believe there is life on other planets, life after death, life in other dimensions.   One day I believe we will all understand and know everything there is to know about our universe and the cosmos and everything in it,  because we are all part of some great connection and learning process and yes, crazy huge master plan.  I will HAVE to live forever to get all this figured out properly.

6 . synonyms:  unbearable, intolerable, unmanageable.  Hmmmph.  We can bear, tolerate and manage tiny moments in time. We’re doing it right now. We string these tiny moments together, and voila!  There are no impossibilities at all.

So, to sum up, it would appear that I believe in Santa Claus, miracles, gossip, high school, eternal life and living in the moment.  What a bizarre list.

I also believe in breakfast and more coffee.  And in having an inconceivably miraculous day

21 thoughts on “Inconceivable!

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Impossibility | My Atheist Blog

  2. Pingback: Dreaming the Impossible | Paul Scribbles

  3. Pingback: You may just reach the moon | The Daily Dilly Dally

  4. Pingback: thelissachronicles

  5. Pingback: The One That Mother Gives You Doesn’t Do Anything At All | The Jittery Goat

  6. I believe the word of God comes out of the fingertips of a humble, coffee-addicted Grandma sitting at her computer on a snow covered miraculous day in March. Love you, Grandmalin. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo


    • Well, you are not making it easy for me to remain humble Kozo. But that’s okay, I’m sure it won’t be impossible for me to deal with it. 😀 Love you too. {{{Hugs}}}


  7. Pingback: 6 Impossible-ossible Things | Cheri Speak

  8. I think your high school comment is the only one that I can’t relate to. Maybe my gentler experience was to do with the school I went to or that I lived in the tiny bubble in time before things went haywire.


  9. Pingback: Impossibility | Beyond Beauty Tips

  10. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Impossibility | The Daily Post – waldina

  11. Pingback: Gotta Make it Possible | studio Nem

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