Grim Reaper Gallows Humor

It’s another Prompt For The Promptless – Gallows Humor is humor that makes fun of a life-threatening, disastrous, or terrifying situation.

And often to scaredy-cat me, not funny at all.

Except when it’s in cartoon form.  Then it’s funny.

From the book "All My Friends Are Dead"

From the book “All My Friends Are Dead”

texting while drivingdeath works from homefear element

12 thoughts on “Grim Reaper Gallows Humor

  1. Pingback: Prompts for the Promptless – Ep. 9 – Gallows Humor | rarasaur

  2. Pingback: Murdering Writer’s Block | rarasaur

  3. Pingback: Prompts for the Promptless – Ep. 10 – Saudade | rarasaur

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