Hello November


November appears to be crazy blogging month around here.  Many insane people are committed to posting something every day for the next 30 days, and even crazier people are holding themselves to a loony tunes word count goal.

For awhile this morning I considered joining them, but have since come to my senses.  I’m afraid I know myself too well, and when something sounds like work to me, I avoid it like the plague.  You might notice how I just proved my point by taking all day to say anything at all.  I like to write every day, but no promises.  Or threats.  Or obligations, even if they are self-inflicted.  Or maybe especially if they’re that.

I would love it if our November here looked like the above picture, but we’re supposed to get about 20 cm of snow this weekend, so everything except the landscape will be that lovely shade of blue. Time to dig out the scarves and mittens I guess.

IMG_0220Found this picture of myself on Facebook, waiting for some kind of ambition or motivation to knock me off the couch.  So far neither have materialized to disturb my state of bliss.

There was coffee to drink, I-pad games to play, books to read, and a spouse to annoy by not cleaning up my mess in the kitchen or folding my own laundry. Even though it’s November I’m not blue yet, and it’s been a marvelous day.

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