My Three Word New Years Resolution

tell your story

Trifextra Week Ninety Nine:

Michael Hess inspired us with his three word New Year’s resolution – just be nice.  We’re asking
for your own resolutions in just three words.

I made a long list for inspiration.  Carry a pen, stop and look, have some fun, ride the waves, laugh like hell, find what matters, write it down, tell your story.  I aspire to do all these things, plus use more glitter and shoot the moon.  Why?  Because ultimately I want to do this:

Leave Something Behind

It finally came down to those three words when I realized it’s why we do it all and why we write – so that some small part of us will live on after we’re gone.  If you can’t make your words earth shatteringly memorable , don’t worry.  Glitter is almost impossible to get rid of and will keep people thinking about you for a very long time.

Happy New Year to everyone at Trifecta and everyone who participates in these delightful challenges.  Keep making memories.

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18 thoughts on “My Three Word New Years Resolution

  1. I don’t know if this is weird or not, but I have no interest in whether or not I leave anything behind.
    I like all your resolutions.
    Mine is – live by magic.
    Happy new year grandmalin!


  2. Pingback: Trifecta’s Three Word New Year’s Resolution Collection | e.g.

  3. Yes, you touched on a nearly universal desire – to leave something behind. I loved reading some of the others on your list as well.


  4. Every time you tell your story, you are trading in personal intimacies (idea from Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino)…this ‘trade’ forever leaves a part of you behind so that it becomes a part of the listener’s (or reader’s, in this case) story. In my opinion, what could be more beautiful to leave behind than personal intimacies 😉


  5. I suddenly have Beyonce’s “I Was Here.” rattling around my noggin. We all hope that how we live and what we do has some sort of meaning, beyond the mere act of the doing. Here’s hoping that all of the great work you will, no doubt, “leave behind” in 2014, fills you with happiness and personal fulfillment. Happy New Year to you! 🙂


  6. You nailed it! What writer doesn’t want to live on through his/her words? And, as the mother of an 11-year-old girl, I know all too well the staying power of glitter. 🙂

    Happy 2014!


  7. This is so true..and the new age of information technology..allows almost anyone with a keyboard..and the fantastic new tools of make this dream a reality..

    So even if ya died today..your words would live on long as servers live..and google can index your mindful and heart filled words for years to come!


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