Art du Jour 63

Surprise! It’s another collage. This time the background is bees and magazine people.  Although most of the bees are lost in the ink.  But I know they’re there.

I believe this piece has depth and balance with an over all burst of chaos.  Feel free to use that at your next art show or wine tasting event.

Other things that made me happy this weekend:

1.  Daughter, granddaughter, shopping.

2.  Free hemp hearts.

3.  Finding the book(s) they’ve been looking for.

4.  Potato salad.

5.  Sunshine.  Rain.  Thunder.

6.  Seeing my daughters two beautiful collages made up of ticket stubs and mementos and memorabilia from various adventures in her life.  What a brilliant idea.

7.  Stocking up on breakfast blend extra large Tassimo coffee so there is none left on the shelf for the next person, who will then have to make do with bold midnight eclipse instead.  I know how this all goes down.

8.  Watching a tuxedo cat on the neighbours fence being mercilessly harassed by two cheeky magpies.  He could have jumped down and gone home at any point but he puffed up his tail and stuck in the game; one magpie squawking in his face while the other snuck up in the rear, both alternately flying off if he got too close and swooping back down to claim their place on the fence when he’d turned around to face the other.  It was a dramatic dance, a battle of wills, a territorial spat of epic proportions.  Or something to do on a fence for fun on a sunny afternoon.  A nature show with no voice-over commentary, so I just don’t know.

9.  Saying goodbye to another May.

10.  Finding a seasonal allergy med that works very well, so that all that green stuff floating around in the air and drifting through my window screens is merely an annoyance to dust, and not turning me in to a sneezing weeping mess. Because no one likes a sneezing weeping mess.

Okay, no animal documentaries going on in my backyard at the moment so I will turn my attention to catching up on blog reading.

Happy first day of June, and have a memorable Monday.

5 thoughts on “Art du Jour 63

  1. Love the bursts of yellow and green in this one.

    On happy things: what are hemp hearts?, now I want potato salad, Yay for buying out the coffee brand because why not, I love fluffed up cat tails and backs, which allergy med worked for you?
    My latest is Flonase which is working well for sneezing and such, but…I have never found anything that will take the itchiness from my eyes. I often have to refrain from literally clawing my eyes out.


    • Hemp hearts are shelled hemp seeds, a good source of protein and fibre, and thus a smoothie ingredient. The health food store was out of them and gave us free samples! Now I feel obligated to go back and buy something. Which was no doubt the point. I’ve been taking a Benlyn for allergies capsule before bed (because it initially makes me sleepy) and relief lasts for 24 hours. It’s my nose that drives me crazy and I want to rip off my face. Haha. Aren’t we a pair.

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