Under The Bed



A comprehensive (because I like adjectives) list of things I believed were under my bed during my early childhood.

  1. Alligators (this was long before Mercer Mayer wrote a book about it)
  2. Bad men wearing masks, ready to grab the ankles of children foolish enough to forget to take a flying leap halfway across the bedroom after waking up in the morning.  These same men were never around at bedtime.   It was just the mornings you had to worry about.  So I assume they only worked the day shift.
  3. Anything that mysteriously went missing, including socks, siblings and money.
  4. Dust Bunnies the size of tumbleweeds. (No child worries about that – that’s more    a present day thing). Scratch number four.

I know, it’s not a very long list.  I advanced fairly quickly to scary things lurking in closets and on the roof.

Under the bed became a great place for shoving things when you needed to tidy up in a hurry.  So I guess it got too crowded under there and the alligators and the masked men were forced to move on.

10 thoughts on “Under The Bed

  1. I had undefined monsters, mostly things with long claws that would grab ankles in the way your morning men did, but mine were at night. Other than that I don’t recall ever thinking much about the under bed realm…

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  2. I had the man under the bed. Just the man. I didn’t know who he was or what he would do when he got his claws on me. It’s good to know the leaps halfway across the room are a universal thing! This post made me laugh.

    Liked by 1 person

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