Sharing My World 68


Share Your World March 27 

(But first some missed questions from last week….)

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

I think 40 is a pretty good age to be.  It’s somewhere in the middle of your life after you’re over the trauma involved in being a kid, you’ve gotten pretty good at functioning as an adult, and there’s still so much to do with your life and so many good things to come.  You know, as long as you don’t get hit by a bus or eaten by spiders.

However, I can believe all I want that I’m in my forties until I look in a mirror and go, ‘whoa’, that can’t be right.  It’s funny when some musician or celebrity I’ve known about since I was a teenager is celebrating a birthday and I think it’s shocking how old they are.  Because if i stop to think about it for a minute, I have to admit I’m around that same age myself.  And then I realize we’re both still looking relatively good for being such old farts.

So, you’re on your way out and it’s raining. Do you know where your umbrella is or do you frantically search for it all over your apartment/house?

The umbrellas are in a basket above the coat rack at the back door.  Even though they are very handy, this does not mean that I will remember to grab one on the way out.  Those things are going to look brand new forever.

Do you recharge your energy by going out with friends for a good time or by spending quiet time alone?

Quiet time alone.  I don’t even know what that other thing means.

Name three things you and your spouse, partner or best friend have in common.

  1. Coffee first thing in the morning.
  2. We are each responsible for our own laundry.
  3. Family comes first.  Well, right after coffee and laundry of course.

Does your first or middle name have any significance (or were you named after another family member)?

My middle name is Mae because it sounds good with my first name, like Ellie Mae and Daisy Mae.  But it’s neither of those, thank gawd.  My dads eldest sister was May, my maternal grandmothers nick name was Mae, and I was born in the month of May.  There really was no escaping it, was there?

Music or silence while working?

Definitely silence.  The more silent the better.  I am very easily distracted.  Being distracted makes me irritable.  So shut up and let me drink my coffee before you try to talk to me.  Haha, sorry, I’m still on the things in common with your spouse question.

If you had a special place for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronics, people or animals), what would they be?

We had a garage sale and then made several big donations to Goodwill.  So any potential most special possessions are now someone else’s problem.  It’s very freeing to get over attachments to things.  Plus it frees up a lot of storage space.  You know, for all those things that aren’t special.  Okay, the real answer is my top dresser drawer.  I don’t even know what all is in there anymore.

The Never List: What are things you know you never will do?

  1.  I will never stop being surprised and dismayed when people die.  We are all in our forties so it’s just bizarre when it happens.
  2. I will never voluntarily sky dive, deep-sea dive, springboard dive or bungee dive.
  3. I will never again be responsible for a pet.  With me these things tend not to end well.  However, as I say this, I am thinking about the video I watched of shelter dogs on a bus being distributed to their new owners and their forever homes and it made me cry and really really want a dog.  For about half an hour until I calmed down and got over it, as little stray dogs everywhere breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Optional Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for the witches around the world who have twice now performed their binding spell on the big DT to thwart his and his cohorts efforts to do harm.  Looks to me like it’s working.  We all have to do whatever we do best.

I’m looking forward to April and the REAL start of Spring around here.  Which sometimes isn’t until May actually, but I’ll settle for the snow going away as a good omen.


10 thoughts on “Sharing My World 68

  1. I think it’s good to leave your umbrellas on the rack. Very practical. Keeps ’em looking new, like you said, and also, d’you realize how easily those suckers get blown inside out when it’s really storming up a ruckus?? I go through umbrellas like kleenex, some seasons. You are definitely making the smarter play.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmmm. Now I’m thinking I should will them to someone with the stipulation that they never take them outside. 🤔
      I was using an umbrella once walking home but the rain was coming down so hard it was hitting the ground and bouncing back up so I got soaked from the waist down. Or the feet up. So what was the point, really. Totally wet just seems more balanced somehow. lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like your two-for-one approach to Share Your World! I agree about the coffee and quiet IF you want me to accomplish anything. I didn’t know about witches binding DT, but whatever works is good by me. Oddly enough I found you via evil squirrel, but am also doing Cee’s questions, so I felt compelled to comment and say “hi!”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m with you on the jumping thing…..I don’t even do stairs anymore. I do love riding cable cars down mountains though. My kingdom for a decent cup of coffee. Haven’t gotten over the after taste of the pain meds even though I haven’t had any for over two weeks. I can relate to the pet thing also. I told my husband that if he dies first, I’m getting a dog the next day. I probably wouldn’t. Pets are like grand-kids, great fun for a day or two, but then need to be returned to sender.
    I love your humor. I have a large umbrella in the house and one in my car, but I never have either when I actually end up in the rain. I evidently don’t melt. Too bad that. A little melting in selective places would increase my available wardrobe. Blessings! You always lift my spirits and that energizes me to go back to harassing my Senators and Representatives about Trumps agenda. See what good you are actually doing!


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