1,100 Ideas and Counting

No sooner had I finished writing about what I had for lunch than THIS little book was brought to my attention.

Really?  No one??  What if it was a tarantula and tuna eyeball stir fry?  Then would somebody care?

Margaret Mason, I hope there are lots of good ideas in your book because it’s now on my kindle, along with this book by Bryan Cohen.

Because 100 ideas are probably not enough for me.  I’m a glutton for punishment and opted for 10 times that amount.  That should get me through to the end of the year.

If it doesn’t, I might have to resort to listing various lunch items one more time. Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.

At Chapters on the weekend I picked up this book because of the delightful things it says on the back cover. It isn’t this crooked in real life.  Steampunk (which I had to look up because I’d never heard of it before) is a genre which originated during the 1980’s and early 1990’s and incorporates elements of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, horror, and speculative fiction.  Any book that can be both dreadful and sublime has to be worth whatever I paid for it.

The only drawback so far is that it’s hardcover and heavy and the slip cover kept falling off last night.  But right now that’s upside down in my scanner at an odd angle and I think I’ll just leave it there until I’m finished reading the book.

And then this is going to make an awesome addition to my library.  My first ever in the steampunk category.

Does anyone care what Joe Golem eats for lunch?  If I find out I’m certainly not going to tell you and risk being a mind numbing bore.  (Again.)

And I promise to share hundreds of ideas once I get around to finding out what they are.  Even if they’re completely nuts.  Or maybe especially if that’s the case.