How to Survive Doing Absolutely Nothing

Some days are made for breathing.  And not much else.  This was one of those awesome days where I put out the bare minimum amount of effort required to stay alive. 

So I’m just checking in to let the world know my mission has been accomplished.  After my treadmill walk and a shower and some soup for lunch, I took a three hour nap with a nice warm breeze and sunshine streaming through the window.  Later, I watched t.v. 

That’s it.

The day wasn’t completely wasted if I’ve come up with a couple of opinions, right?  So here they are.  Andy should pick Bevan, or whatever her name is and stop analyzing Tessa to death.  And it’s time for a woman to win dancing with the stars, although I expect Joey will be the last one standing.  Mostly because really, who would you rather dance with, him or that little skinny guy? 

And Paris – seriously – you drove drunk with a suspended license and ‘it wasn’t your fault’?   OMFG.  And I don’t agree with Ellen showing up for work in a hospital bed.  Geez.  Take a day off. 

Now maybe I’ll Stumble for awhile, and then I’m going to go to bed.  I have a full life.  Apparently I don’t bore easily.