Gracefully Grateful

I am moved to tears by the comments you all have made on my last two posts. Moved. To. Tears.

So could you all please just cut it out, because getting choked up makes it hard for me to breathe, okay?

Of course I appreciate you all to the moon and back. It’s so amazing to me that after not posting anything for a year there are still awesome people here who remember me.

Although I would dearly love to delve into an extensively detailed account of my medical condition I will spare us all the agony. Here’s the short version. I’m doing okay. There is a diagnosis. There are meds for this. I await further instructions from the experts.

And I am gracefully (GRACEFULLY I tell you) accepting changes in my life. Like having an adjustable bed (that one wasn’t hard) and using a walker to keep me from falling over and breaking my old bones. Now I just need to learn how to stop running into things like walls and curbs and people and stuff.

I am accepting help. That’s a big one, you know. Just to shut up and let people help me and be grateful. And graceful. Little old lady full of grace. It’s a stretch but I’m sticking to that aspiration for now. Baby steps.

Good vibes everybody. Spread the love.

5 thoughts on “Gracefully Grateful

  1. Hi! If you’re on Facebook (and if you aren’t already looking in), type Reels into your search bar there — then, scroll, laugh, smile for hours. No one but you will know. (Honestly, it helps pass long stretches of night meh.) The algorithm will soon pick up on much of what you view and will set it into your feed. I enjoy it way too much!


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