Of Ditzes and Duvets

I have a marvellous pot belly coffee cup that holds 600 ml of fresh brewed coffee plus cream. The shape (fat at the bottom, small at the top, helps keep the coffee warm, unless you are a lollygaging type of coffee sipper who takes way too long to drink it all and then it’s no fault of the cup. Also spitting coffee back into your cup is not the cups fault, never mind how much I would like to blame something other than myself for this disgusting little episode I had this morning.

I took a big mouthful of (not even close to warm anymore) coffee and immediately needed to cough. Thankfully I didn’t find out exactly how far coffee can spew with a tickley throat because I spit most of it back into the cup before I coughed the rest of it out. I was wearing a white shirt, which as everyone who owns one knows is a coffee stain magnet. I also was wearing a zipped up hoodie so that only an average size V of white shirt was exposed. Every single drop of the coughed and spit out coffee landed on that V of white. Amazing,. Not one bit of it on the hoodie. Too much to sponge off so I changed my shirt. Normally I try to limit this kind of embarrassing scenario to crowded restaurants where there’s a bigger audience and I get lots of attention. And also where you can’t immediately whip off your spilled on clothes. Well I suppose you could, but it’s probably frowned upon.

So that was a bad thing, or annoying at the very least, but good things happen after bad I have found. I got off my coffee sipping butt and pulled the bedding off my bed and threw it in the wash with my shirt. I have been putting that off because I am still trying to make peace with caring for a duvet. Not with having one, because I absolutely love it. It is light and warm and bed making is a beautiful thing. Taking the duvet cover off is super simple. Getting it back on is just not. I am an old-school bedding type person I guess so duvets are new to me. I will learn to do this without watching three YouTube videos every time if it kills me. It’s a single, not a double or a queen, so it should be a snap. Yep. It should be. But we are talking about somebody here who chokes on coffee, so what can I say. I advise removing your hoodie before you get started duvet cover wrangling because you seriously won’t need it for this activity.

In other not really related news, I have been taking prednisone for almost 8 weeks, now on a tapering dose, should be finished with it at the end of this month. Meanwhile my x-rays and blood work results are good. Side effects have been minimal with nothing unexpected. We have had our flu shots, and W got the latest covid vaccine yesterday but I have to wait for that one until the steroids are finished or until my hematologist gives me the okay. It feels so good to feel so good.

On our latest Friday the 13th I almost wrote a post and then thought better of it. I wanted to share the fact that I have survived a whole whack of them, including my own birthdate, so about one hundred and twenty nine Friday the 13ths and counting. I have also lived through nine hundred and twenty one full moons. And apparently I have been asleep for 24.8 years of my life. So obviously I thought better of thinking better and have now shared this useless info with you all anyway. Would be sad to let my talent for imparting useless information get rusty.

I’m off to get the rest of my dry laundry now, the duvet cover is on, the air is hardly even blue anymore from all the expletives I used, and I definitely deserve a fresh cup of coffee without spit in it. So that’s where we are.

Life is good. Hope you’re having a happy November.

3 thoughts on “Of Ditzes and Duvets

  1. Lovely to see your post! I laughed at your comment about your usual audience to such an incident being a crowded restaurant. I also admire your ability to utilise an annoying moment to finish tasks that have been waiting a while – I often THINK to do this but rarely ever do haha! It’s wonderful to hear your results are good and you’re feeling well! I hope your November is a good one 🙂


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