March Post for Peace

“People in general would rather die than forgive. It’s THAT hard. If God said in plain language. “I’m giving you a choice, forgive or die,” a lot of people would go ahead and order their coffin.”   – Sue Monk Kidd

Forgiveness Mandala by Wayne Stratz

Forgiveness Mandala by Wayne Stratz (Photo credit: Nutmeg Designs)

Forgiveness is not easy.

It’s not even easy to write about, never mind actually getting through the process myself.  To me, forgiveness means that I must stop blaming, stop being resentful, and give up the desire to hit back and get even.  I must try to be less judgmental. I must be finished and done with something to the point where I am over it and able to let it go and finally move on.

Sometimes it seems to me to be a never ending process that I will struggle with forever.  And even after all that I may never get it right.

This months Peace Challenge is Marching Towards Forgiveness. 

Forgiving Others

Forgiveness does not mean excusing or tolerating evil, and it does not absolve the criminal from the crime.  People do need to be held accountable for their wrongdoing.  Forgiveness should never mean having to shrug our shoulders and say that’s okay, when it’s not okay at all.

When we are wronged I believe we need to face our anger and our hurt head on.  We need to vent and call it what it is.  If we don’t, we will bottle up our feelings of rage, resentment and heartache until they harden into a need for revenge with no room left in our hearts or heads for anything else.  We will set ourselves up for an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.

It is never healthy to condone someones hurtful actions against us.  But at the same time we should try to understand that people hurt others as a result of their own pain.  We need to stay in touch with the other persons humanity, and believe in their capacity to change. Forgiving someone can mean giving them another chance, not necessarily because they deserve it, but because they need it.  When you forgive, you love.  You stop being a victim and you let go of the pain.  Forgiving others can give us back the laughter and the peace in our lives.

How does one know if she has forgiven? You tend to feel sorrow over the  circumstance instead of rage, you tend to feel sorry for the person rather than  angry with him. You tend to have nothing left to say about it all.   – Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Depending on the severity of the offense, the process of forgiveness may take days, or months, or even years. It is something that all of us will struggle with, every day of our lives.  If we respond to every little act of rudeness and inconsideration with anger, the situation simply becomes worse.  Every day we have a choice to be loving and kind and forgiving.  Anger and hatred, if left unfed, will fade away. People who are negative and complaining all the time probably don’t really want to be that way. So smile at the person who scowls.  Brush off the bad driving of the person who cut you off. It won’t be easy, but whoever told you life would be easy?  Let go of the little things that don’t really matter whenever you can.

Forgiveness is not always easy.  At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it.  And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.  – Marianne Williamson.

Being Forgiven

Every one of us has done and said things that we regret and wish we could take back.  Quite possibly it happened when we were facing our anger head on and venting our little hearts out.  We passed our own pain and suffering on to someone else.  It takes a great deal of humility and spiritual and emotional maturity to say I’m sorry, and to seek forgiveness from the people we have hurt.  But it’s the only way I know of to make the guilt go away.

Tell yourself that you are important, and that everything you do is important.  You have the power to hurt, and you have the power to heal.  Admit it when you are wrong, and then pay for your mistakes.  Make it up.  Do the right thing.  Deserve the forgiveness you are looking for.  Apologize, and really mean it.  Will that be easy?  Good Gawd no.  But do it anyway.

Forgiving Yourself

This is by far the very hardest forgiveness of all.  Forgiving yourself means showering whoever you are at this exact moment with love and kindness every day.  You must let go of regrets and guilt and sadness and stop wasting your energy on worry, self-criticism and feelings of unhappiness and depression.  You are human, and you are not perfect.  Everything you have ever done and said and felt has been a learning experience for which you must find it in your heart to be thankful.

When you foster warmth, kindness and compassion towards yourself, you can’t help but spread it to everyone around you.  We forgive our children everything because we love them unconditionally.  I think we need to learn how to love ourselves like that, so that our lives will become meaningful, more peaceful, and much,  much happier.  Love yourself, love your day, love your life.

With every single act of true forgiveness, I believe the universe takes a deep breath and expands and heals.  One forgiving heart at a time, we can change the world.

People are often unreasonable and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.  Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.  Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.”
― Mother Teresa

bloggers for peace

41 thoughts on “March Post for Peace

  1. someone once said to me, you know you truly forgive someone when you can wish them all the happiness in the world. i think that is the hard part about forgiveness…giving something good to the ones who may have hurt us in some way. well done and you give much to reflect on. thank you.


  2. This is why you are awesome. Somehow you knew people like me needed to read what you have to say. The forgiving others thing, I’m pretty good at that. Obviously the closer the person, the deeper the hurt and so the longer the pain, but then the greater the reward when we do these things for ourselves.

    When my children were very young, and an apology would be offered, usually by a child from another family, the offended would say, “that’s ok” and my head would spin. I don’t know when “that’s ok” became the appropriate response. I taught them all to say, “thank you for apologizing,” and told them that they didn’t need to forgive the person if they still felt hurt inside. They just needed to acknowledge the apology, and move on. It was a neutral response.

    That seemed to work a lot better than faking being ok with something when they might’ve been feeling otherwise. It’s helped them be more authentic and direct as they’ve gotten older.

    Nice post, friend.


    • It’s also hard to give an appology and actually mean it, instead of just saying the words and not feeling very sorry at all, except for the fact that you got caught doing something bad – another hard thing to teach our kids. Oh well, never mind kids – adults have a hard time with that one too. Thanks Molly ❤


  3. Love you, Grandmalin. You are so honest and so wise. I love how you make forgiveness logical, desirable, and doable in this post. You note the challenges, yet you still inspire us to forgive. I LOVE the Kidd quotation. Have never heard that one before, but it is just like you–funny,honest, and wise.
    “Love yourself, love your day, love your life.” Enuff said. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo


    • Thank you Kozo – your loving comments are always an inspiration in themselves. You know you’re just encouraging me to keep on blathering away, don’t you?? lol I’m so glad you started all this and that so many bloggers have joined the ‘peace train’. Hugs and kudos to you my friend.


  4. Pingback: PEACE | We dream of things that never were and say: "Why not?"

  5. Pingback: March Post for Peace: Forgiveness | Far Away In The Sunshine

  6. Pingback: Goldfish’s All-I’ve-Managed-To-Learn-So-Far Guide To Forgiving Oneself | Fish Of Gold

  7. Pingback: Cryptoquote Spoiler – 03/02/13 | Unclerave's Wordy Weblog

  8. Pingback: Forgiveness – Post for Bloggers for Peace | Electronicbaglady's Bag of Bits

  9. This post is radiating the beauty from your love-filled heart. I too am working on a post about forgiveness and I am humbled by your wise writing. This article says everything and is worthy of many a re-read. I so enjoy every visit to your enlightening and uplifting blog. Bless your heart for sharing the love in your heart so evidently here on your wonderful blog. Blessings, Gina


  10. Oh my goodness Gina, such beautiful things to say, and I can say them all back to you and mean every word from the bottom of my heart. I’m so happy and blessed to have found you. xxoo


  11. I love the way you are able to express these difficult ideas, so wise and human. really love oyur style [[[hugs]]]


  12. Pingback: March — B4Peace: Forgiveness | Inspire the Idea

  13. Pingback: Mistakes | Revkatiealexander's Blog

  14. Pingback: Forgiveness | Reflections on Life Thus Far

  15. Pingback: B4Peace: Forgiveness is a four letter word | FEC-THis

  16. Pingback: Thursday Tidbits: The Fragrance of Forgiveness | KM Huber's Blog

  17. Pingback: Forgiveness | A Light Upon My Path

  18. Pingback: Monthly Peace Challenge: Marching Towards Forgiveness | This Is My Corn

  19. Pingback: Are You Free From What Others Think? | Soul Our Power

  20. Pingback: Say Cheese for Forgiveness « everyday gurus

  21. Woooo. Good reminder: Ultimately it’s between each of us and God! Also love the idea that every act of true forgiveness contributes to universal healing. Often when I’ve managed to work through a hurt, I realize that the other person didn’t really mean to harm me or they were actually reacting to something I did unwittingly. The words of Jesus on the cross help me forgive both myself and others, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Wonderful post. Thanks.


  22. Pingback: Forgiveness One – B4Peace | heartflow2013

  23. Pingback: Bloggers 4Peace March Edition: Freedom of Forgiveness | Ellyn Baker-Discovering Both Sides of the Story

  24. Pingback: Forget about the unchangeable past and live in the now | One Lifetime

  25. Pingback: Monthly Peace Challenge: Marching towards Forgiveness | The Panama Adventure

  26. Pingback: Growing Wings | Community of the Incarnation KC

  27. Pingback: Anger | The Middle Pane

  28. Pingback: Monthly Peace Challenge: Marching Towards Forgiveness | This Is My Corn

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