July Post For Peace


Write a letter for peace and send it out into the Universe.

Dear Spirit Guides of the Universe,

I’ve been told I never ask for help (although heaven knows I need it and we could all use some.)  Being independent and stubborn and believing if I try hard enough I can do it on my own often leaves me feeling alone, confused, frustrated and afraid.  You know this, you’ve heard me whine and complain about it.  It’s too hard, I’m so lost, I just don’t know.  Finding this elusive thing called inner peace can be one colossal struggle.

There will always be issues, problems, and challenges;  I get that.  I know I’m just another wandering soul in this vast universe searching for enlightenment, and I know I’ve come this close.  I’d like to know why I shut my eyes tight at the last minute, sure that the light will blind me.

So I guess I could just yell “Help!” into the void and wait to see what happens, but I’m thinking you might want me to be a little more specific than that.  If I chose this lifetime, forgive me, but I can’t remember why.  Please give me some small hints and gentle reminders.

Please help me reach deep inside myself for compassion, sympathy and understanding.   Help me to be more loving, more caring, more giving.   Help me to see and appreciate the beauty and the miracles that are all around me in every smile, every laugh, every hug.

I could use a little help remembering that when I can’t figure everything out –  it’s okay.  Tell me to simply be still and listen. Stop me when I’m too hard on myself, and when I take myself way too seriously.

Make me grateful for the people who are in my life, even when they drive me crazy, because they are here to teach me something.  Could you please speed up that learning process a bit though?   Meanwhile, I will try to stop wishing I could change who they are, because we both know that is never going to happen.  They are who they are, and there is good in everyone, even if it’s hard for me to see.  I’m a little skeptical about true unconditional love for everyone, but I know it’s not impossible.

Don’t let me be tossed about and influenced and messed up by the decisions of other people.  Help me stand my ground, but don’t let limiting beliefs close my mind.  I know, that’s a tough one.  I want to take my own steps forward, without being pushed or pulled.  Help me to accept responsibility for my own happiness, to believe that every ending is simply a new beginning, taking me in a different and better direction.

I promise to joyfully accept the happy accidents, the beautiful chance encounters, the strange and mysterious coincidences that happen in my life. I will try to do everything I can do with what I’ve got, loving and appreciating myself and feeling worthy. Stamp all that on my brain somewhere, would you please?  Along with the fact that I am strong, I am safe, and I am deeply loved.  I tend to forget all these things on a regular basis.

Help me every day to fall in love all over again, with my family, my friends, and this wonderful life adventure in our magical world.   Remind me that every small act of kindness has a ripple effect which reaches out and expands, helping to heal the broken hearts of people I’ve never even met.  Being kind is not a sacrifice, it is a joy.

Most of all, don’t let my past rule my future.  Don’t let me put off celebrating today, this moment, the power and the freedom of now.  Today is the only thing that matters.  There is nothing else.

Well, there you go, I think that’s about it.  I know you can handle all this, being that you’re all-powerful and all-knowing and eternal and all that celestial stuff.  And I know you do all these things for me already even when I don’t ask and for this I am truly grateful.  Inner peace is not an illusion and I know I will find it.

Thanks for rooting for me.

Lots of Love, Grandmalin

bloggers for peace

25 thoughts on “July Post For Peace

  1. Pingback: Peace With Silence | Kelly Kuhn

  2. Pingback: B4Peace – Monthly Peace Challenge – A Letter – Laurie's Notes

  3. Grandmalin,
    You have out done yourself here. I need the original to put up on my fridge and read everyday. I’m going to reblog this after the holiday weekend. You are amazing. {{{Hugs]}} kozo


  4. Pingback: July’s B4Peace — Peace Begins with a Letter | Inspire the Idea

  5. Pingback: Letter to Divine Creator – monthly peace challenge | Not Just Sassy on the Inside

  6. Reblogged this on Being Stuck Sucks and commented:
    Thank you to Grandmalin of Breathing Space for this wonderful post. Could never have expressed myself so well, but it says exactly what I’ve been feeling…


  7. That was beautiful! Thank you for speaking the words I think a lot of us feel. I laughed and nodded in agreement all the way through. Still smiling and feeling good because I think your letter speaks for all. Would it be cheating if I re-blogged this and simply wrote “ditto”?
    Much Love, Sandy


  8. A wonderful, thoughtful post. I could have written the beginning myself. Wish I’d discovered you sooner. I’m just another soul looking for inner peace. It’s a process that I’m just starting to understand.


  9. Love this letter. I especially love this part immensely: “Today is the only thing that matters. There is nothing else.”


  10. Pingback: Letter to a Lost Soul | CardCastlesInTheSky

  11. Pingback: Peace Begins with a Letter | This Is My Corn

  12. Pingback: Finding Peace in the Moment, Tich Nhat Hanh | Cosmic Loti

  13. Pingback: Peace Challenge: Peace begins with a letter | Many Little Drops

  14. Wonderful from start to finish……Particularly like, “Help me every day to fall in love again……”
    This speaks to my struggle to love, which is a decision to be FOR someone, even someone whom I don’t like or who has hurt me.

    And best of all, ” Thanks for rooting for me.” That thought/feeling delights me and consoles me on a day like today when I am down on myself for saying some stupid things to people I do love.
    A serendipity God-incidence! Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, we all say stupid things to the people we love, don’t we? All you can do is apologize for the rest of your life. Or longer. No I’m kidding, give yourself a kick and let it go. Thanks for commenting. xxoo


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