Holy Thursday Walk in the Park

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It used to be extremely important to me, knowing what day of the week I was waking up in.  Now I don’t care; as long as I keep waking up, it’s all good.  And I didn’t suddenly say to myself today “Holy, it’s Thursday!”  in case you were wondering about that title.  This is the origin of my version of Holy Thursday , an old joke from my working days (which ended two weeks ago.)    I noticed there are bloggers out there doing throw-back Thursdays so this is my version of joining in, doing a ping-back to myself.  Weird but fun.  Or maybe fun because it’s weird.

Our poor old tree in the backyard is looking rather bare these days, but on my walk I saw lots of leaves still hanging on, waiting for the next strong north wind to send them flying.  It’s still beautiful weather for us in the middle of October (we often have snow here by Halloween) and on these walks I’m learning to appreciate the benefits of being near-sighted.  Even half dead hedges look good close up.

And then there’s this.

holy thursday 002Yes, it’s a picture of an almost empty 3.78 litre jug of apple juice.  My pre-op instructions advised me to drink three cups of apple juice the night before surgery and 2 cups of it three hours prior to my scheduled surgery time.  So I sent W out to pick up some apple juice.  If I had done a litre to cup calculation I could have let him know that one litre (4.2268 cups) was close enough.  He did pick up a one litre carton, and this jug as insurance I guess.  So if I needed to go for about six more surgeries, we were all set.  We’ve made a good dent in it, in a little over a week, drinking a cup or so each for 8 breakfasts.  I used the last of it in my smoothie this morning and retired the jug to the recycle bin.  My fridge looks empty.

In other ground breaking news (obviously I don’t know the meaning of that phrase) last night I watched the last episode available on Netflix of The 4400.  I’ve started a new book called “The Bone Season” by Samantha Shannon.  I am in la-la land and loving it.

Hope you’re having a great Thursday too.

9 thoughts on “Holy Thursday Walk in the Park

  1. La-la land sounds lovely. I’d have to swap the apple for orange juice. And I’d like to stay in my la-la land (a week’s holiday!) for a little bit longer but my fridge is looking empty too and the hordes will want to know why. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I spend Thursdays with my mum. She finds it hard to get out these days and I act as her liaison to the outside world. I stopped wearing watches the moment I stopped working – and unless an appointment is coming up, I don’t know what day it is.
    Gran, I am possibly showing my ignorance, but were you told why so much juice and why apple juice in particular?


    • I can’t remember why although I’m sure they said something about it on the instruction sheet. There was a choice between apple juice or cranberry juice, to keep your blood sugar up? Obviously I’m one of those people who just blindly follow the rules without asking questions.
      I no longer have a clue where my watch is. It’s a great feeling.


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