Sharing My World 23

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Share Your World 2015 Week 12

When was the last time you sat on a park or garden bench for more than ten minutes?  Describe the occasion.

Last summer I spent some time on park benches watching grandchildren do what grandchildren do.  Ford streams, throw rocks, feed animals, drink sweet cold drinks on a hot summer day.  I like this role as grandma, where you just have to be there and observe and aren’t expected to participate in things like mini golf tournaments or spinning tea-cup rides.  Just buy T-shirts for everybody when the day is over.  Then hand the children back over to their parents.

Would you ever be interested in observing a surgery or do you turn away when the nurse brings out the needle?

I skip over fake surgeries on Netflix and fast forward through bloody crime scenes.  I look the other way when I get needles, have blood work done, or get hooked up to IV.  Although I’ve had so much of that done, maybe it’s really not necessary anymore.  But no, I would not be interested in observing surgery of any kind.  Or hearing about it.  Or looking at your stitches.

Where’s your favorite place to take out-of-town guests?

Back to the airport.  HAHA!!  Just kidding.  Out for dinner is always fun.  We live in a place where there are lots of choices.  And I will tag along to wherever guests decide to go if they want my company.  I’m the same way on trips.  I tend to go along for the ride without any real plans of my own.  This is partly about being easy to get along with, but mostly about laziness and lack of interest in getting off my ass and going anywhere unless strongly encouraged by someone who is excited and enthusiastic.  I would be a really poor event co-ordinator.

If you had an unlimited shopping spree at only one store, which one would you choose?  Why?

Is it cheating to say a gigantic department store full of furniture, home appliances, electronics, clothing,  food, books, stationery and art supplies?  Okay, it probably is.  So I will select instead  Wine and Beyond and pick up one or two cases of everything they have in stock.  That should keep me happy for a while and take care of Christmas presents for at least a couple of years.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Every March I am SO DONE with snow, and yet here it falls sometimes as late as May.  So I am grateful that Spring eventually does show up, even though I give up hope about 14 times every year before it happens.

Next week it’s supposed to warm up!  Said the optimistic fool who should move south or get over it.  Okay.  I’m over it.  The sun is shining and I’m grateful to be alive.


15 thoughts on “Sharing My World 23

  1. “Back to the airport”-Ha! Love that!

    I remember my mother saying if she knew grandchildren were so much fun she would have had them first. All of the fun, but spot-on with handing them back to the parents. Or, so it seems. M is forbidden from making me a grandmother anytime soon 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the pictures of your grandchildren and the park. My grandchildren are all beyond this stage now and I’ve found that it’s hard to be that close to great-grandchildren – just too many generations in-between. Enjoy them every minute you can.


    • Sunshine basking sounds wonderful. I could have watched the birth of my daughter in a mirror, but it wasn’t set up at the right angle, and when the delivery room people asked me if it was in the right place I said yes. And didn’t see a thing. Whew.


  3. “Back to the airport” 😀
    It took a few seconds for that one to sink in and then I couldn’t stop laughing as I read the rest of the paragraph. Oh, it must have been a long day.
    Wine shopping? I’m with you on that one.


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