Art du Jour 51


Bird with Balloons to brighten up the start to your weekend!

Which probably doesn’t need any help, because SATURDAY!  Yay!

This was another background I became enamoured of…..with….whatever, and didn’t want to cover up.  But after an expensive trip to Michael’s I got all fired up and finished it.

Before I went through the check out I looked through my cart and removed six items I can probably survive without for the time being, in the interests of not spending a fortune all at once.  And no, I didn’t run around putting them back exactly where they belong.  That’s my secret confession for today.

The secret to the balloons being transparent is tissue paper!  Isn’t that brilliant?  I now have a lifetime supply of it in many colours.

Okay, that’s enough secrets revealed for one day.  Have a great weekend!

26 thoughts on “Art du Jour 51

  1. Nine of the element air (swords in the traditional Tarot), appropriately involving a bird.

    Birds symbolize healing. Confronting grief takes us through sorrow to rebirth. In rebirth the spirit soars. Birds are found in art all the way back to the beginning of humans.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very nice piece, Grandmalin.

    (Despite that, or because of it, here’s my secret confession (secret no more):
    I get very grumpy sometimes–which no one would ever guess from my blog posts, or comments on anyone else’s blog posts–and sometimes, when I see cheery delights like this one, fantasize about, for instance, taking a pin and popping every one of those happy balloons. I’ve joined a recovery group called W.B.S. (Worry, Be Sad*) which offers hope to those such as I.

    *Some say the acronym stands for “What Bull-Pucky”.

    Very nice piece, Grandmalin.


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