Art du Jour 51


Bird with Balloons to brighten up the start to your weekend!

Which probably doesn’t need any help, because SATURDAY!  Yay!

This was another background I became enamoured of…..with….whatever, and didn’t want to cover up.  But after an expensive trip to Michael’s I got all fired up and finished it.

Before I went through the check out I looked through my cart and removed six items I can probably survive without for the time being, in the interests of not spending a fortune all at once.  And no, I didn’t run around putting them back exactly where they belong.  That’s my secret confession for today.

The secret to the balloons being transparent is tissue paper!  Isn’t that brilliant?  I now have a lifetime supply of it in many colours.

Okay, that’s enough secrets revealed for one day.  Have a great weekend!