Art du Jour 70

Could be an understatement to say this is mixed media, because I think I used everything within reach once I got going. It’s like cooking, where you start adding whatever strange thing is hanging around in the fridge or the cupboard to your concoction. Or perhaps that’s just me, and the reason why nothing ever turns out the same twice in a row.

In the beginning I was simply experimenting doing a face with gelatos. She was supposed to look sinister and mysterious and that stuff around her head was meant to be representative of hair. So much for that plan.  I don’t know what the hell it represents now.  These things just take on a life of their own. My muse has not so much a sense of the dramatic as a sense of humour.

We’ve had a couple of lovely cool cloudy rainy overcast days, but today the sun is back and the heat is on. Canada Day, with its celebrations and fireworks has come and gone for another year. And we’re off and running into July.

Make hay while the sun shines.

13 thoughts on “Art du Jour 70

  1. I love drawing, painting and art. I sometimes try to depict a certain subject matter but other times I let the picture come to life on its own. Almost like a possessed piece of art. Lol I enjoyed your final product 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a lot less frustrating to have only a vague idea in your head….who knew that could be a good thing 😄 Yes, some of my finished pieces look possessed. Lol


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