Burnt Toast and Tea

Last night after watching a very satisfying hockey game in which our team came from behind to win by two goals, I was craving burnt toast and tea. Bursts of exhilaration do that to me. Probably because all celebrations, big and small, all my life have been celebrated by eating.

Fortunately, by the time I got the dishwasher emptied and sparkly clean, the craving had passed. Cataracts may have contributed to the “sparkly” part. I’m never sure these days. Anyway, I hate to immediately put dirty dishes into a clean and empty dishwasher (I have given up trying to discover why I feel so strongly about this). And also I should not be eating anything late evening if I want to have a decent glucose reading in the morning, and last but certainly not least, I was as usual just too lazy to mess up and then have to clean the kitchen yet again for the day. So I went to bed instead.

Tea is rarely something I crave, and I only like the fruity flavoured herbal ones that are red (yes, that’s weirdly specific I suppose). But when it comes to toast, any bread will do as long as it is toasted to the verge of cardboard crispness with some black charred bits around the edges. Then it soaks up butter without losing its crunch. Yum. Crusts work particularly well for this. W freaks out if I forget to turn the dial back down on the toaster after I’ve used it. When his toast burns he throws it in the compost bin. And I shake my head and roll my eyes for the umpteenth time in a day over his bizarre behaviour. I don’t have a lot to do otherwise so it keeps me busy.

Puzzles are also taking up a lot of my time. I think this latest obsessive thing started for me in November when my daughter said “Geez mom get a hobby!” for some completely inexplicable reason. She gets that eye rolling thing from me I guess. Anyway since then I have done close to 20 big 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles. This is getting a TAD expensive. I am also setting records reading Kindle Unlimited free books to balance out the puzzle hobby expenses. I’m not even kidding! Kindle told me I have set a new personal record for books read in a month and reading in consecutive days. I wasn’t aware there was an old record to break. These cataracts are not slowing me down much for close up eye straining stuff! The wait for surgery is 3 to 4 months, whatever that equals in terms of puzzle purchases and books read. I don’t even want to make an estimate.

Our house is getting a bit of a makeover. New windows were installed the beginning of January (coverings coming in 4 weeks or so) and new doors are going to be installed on the 30th. Then we can talk about bathrooms. I’m leaving the kitchen for whoever lives here next because I don’t even like kitchens. Doctor and lab testing appointments have slowed down considerably for me now, so that’s good news. I still keep the head of my bed raised when I sleep to ease my breathing and I still use my walker for things like long treks down hallways to get to a medical office so that taking three steps sideways and falling on my head will not be the reason for the appointment. Not that it has happened exactly like that but little bouts of dizziness happen and they aren’t predictable. So. Just In Case. My other go-to expression is Let’s just get this over with. I am such fun to be around.

Every few days I get a friendly reminder from Word Press that “it’s time to blog on Breathing Space” so maybe you can imagine how many prompts it takes for me to actually sit down and write something. Let’s just say it takes less time to satisfactorily burn toast and steep red tea. Or put a puzzle or three together.

I’m not around here much anymore, but I am still around somewhere! Just thought enquiring minds might like to know. Love to all my blogging friends. I will probably be back sooner or later. After being prompted an insane number of times of course.

5 thoughts on “Burnt Toast and Tea

  1. Lovely as always to see you back and posting. Your writing is vibrant and your mind is a wonderful place. You have a real talent for making even burnt toast and tea sound positively enthralling. I must say I am like you and like my hot buttered toast close to burnt and crunchy. You know here in the UK charity shops (I guess you guys would call them thrift stores) are always full of puzzles at a fraction of their original cost? My sister went through a puzzle phase when she was 12 – she would get through one 5000 piece puzzle a week, that mad girl, and we’d find plenty in charity shops.

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