Alphabetical Argument

flapper costumeDaily Prompt:    Create a short story, piece of memoir, or epic poem that is 26 sentences long, in which the first sentence begins with “A” and each sentence thereafter begins with the next letter of the alphabet.

Alice, are you aware of the time?

Back off Buster, you are such a bloody butthead.

Could you please refrain from calling me names?

Dumb ass dork.

Enough, just get your own stupid ass in gear, we are going to be so freaking late.

F off.

Good God, you would aggravate a saint.

HA – well good thing there’s none of those around here to be aggravated.

Is that really what you’re wearing?

Just trying it on to see.

Know what would work better?

Let’s hear it, Einstein.

Making up your mind now so we at least have a faint chance in hell of getting there before the whole thing is over.

No shit, you nerd brained numb nuts.

Oh, for the love of all that’s holy, that one looks perfectly fine, let’s get out of here.

Piss off and get out of my way.

Quit being so damned querulous.

Really – such a big word – do I have time to look that up?

Shut up and put on your shoes.

This outfit makes my ass look huge.

Uh, no, not going there.

Very good choice.

What the hell, seriously, you’re going to wear that… that….?

X-rated floozy dress?

Yes, holy crap, Alice, it took you this long to end up looking like a 1920’s flapper?

Zip it Mr. Punctuality – I’m all set and you’re wasting time – let’s get this show on the road!