A Different Kind of Island Holiday

Time flies when you least want it to.  Our company left this morning to drive back east after a week of roughing it with us on the island – or in the wilderness, as Jazzy might describe it.  We’ve had trips up and down and across the river, beautiful campfires, incredible fish fries, and a cabin clean up to purge a lot of accumulated stuff.sangria

Along with the usual beer and rum that accompanies the scintillating conversation (that could be a slight exaggeration) this week we also consumed copious amounts of sangria.  It is probably a good thing that I didn’t pay better attention to the ingredients and thus won’t feel overly confident to mix up a batch on my own.  There was a lot of fruit thrown in there, so I’m going to say it was good for us.  Even if you’re not a wine drinker it’s hard to pass up one of these.

The back lawn

The back lawn

Looking east from the deck, early morning

Looking east from the deck, early morning

West side

West side

View from the deck
View from the deck

Yes, we are incredibly spoiled.  The weather has been unseasonably warm for September with a few days hot enough for swimming.  Supposed to cool down now and rain, but those days are easy, lazy ones too, snugged up in the cabin with a fire in the wood stove.

Hope everybody is having a relaxing Sunday.  I have four more days of island survival to endure.  Poor me.