Why Breathing Space?

Jazzy and the Pussycats

Jazzy and the Pussycats (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Daily Prompt:  All About Me

Explain why you chose your blog’s title and what it means to you.

Breathing Space  Life on the Sidewalk….where every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.

1.  It all started seven years ago and was inspired by the site called “myspace” and reading about other people and their adventures on their own “space”.  So I wanted a space too.  Being spacey and all.

2.  My fear of water and drowning and not being able to breathe, plus my love of being left alone to think, plus my inability to come up with anything even remotely unique, prompted the Breathing Space name.  You can find “Breathing Space” on Wikipedia, but it has nothing at all to do with me and everything to do with a band by the same name.

3.  Life in the fast lane is an expression I like, but have never EVER lived.  Life in the slow lane would be slightly more accurate, but life on the sidewalk is even better.  Because here I am, strolling along, watching the rest of the world zip on by.  Where the hell are they all going, anyway?  I’d hitch a ride if I really cared.

4.  Somebody said I should have more of a tag line or something to better explain what this blog is all about so that’s where all the deep breath new beginning stuff came from.  I keep thinking I should change that to something better.  You know, the whole starting over thing.  One day it might just go missing altogether.

5.  I am a grandma to five kids, ages 7 to 12.   W has always called me Lin, as if saying my whole name would wear him right out.  So those two things combined end up being grandmalin.  However, if you are French you might read it as grand malin which very loosely interpreted means big shrewd/cunning/crafty or clever person.  Voila.  It can also mean malicious or malignant, but I try really hard not to be either one of those things.

Il faut être malin pour réussir – You have to be shrewd in order to succeed.

Il m’a donné un sourire malin – He gave me a knowing smile.

There’s your French lesson for the day.  There is some French on my father-in-law’s side of the family but that’s my closest claim to being French myself.

6.  The name of my alter ego Jazzy is nothing but wishful thinking.  I’d like to be jazzy.  I like jazz.  I was reading a book in which there was a minor character named Jazzy.  This one kept showing up in random doodles.  Thus Jazzy was born.  She will die when she runs out of stuff to say.

7.  In the beginning my site was all about the history of my family and preserving the pictures and the memories for future generations.  After several years of that I got bored and branched off in a multitude of different directions so that now I have no idea what any of this is really about.  It’s a work in progress.  It’s a walk on the sidewalk.

Some days it’s just a long sit down rest on the curb.

19 thoughts on “Why Breathing Space?

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt – All About Me – The (Mostly True) Origin Story of TooFullToWrite | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: All About Me … The beginning of Lent | Fasting, Food and other musings by determined34

  3. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
    Loved this post. Big hug to you just because you're you.
    I thought it was Grand malin (and didn't know enough French to know it had a meaning in that language), and I love the double meaning with Grandma Lin. A shrewd and clever Grandma!
    Also love jazzy 🙂


  4. LOL I never knew all these things about your blog, Grandmalin, but I did know you are hilarious. I laughed at the “grand malin” part when you said that you “try really hard not to be either one of those things” because I thought you meant crafty or malicious.
    You are such an amazing blogger. I’m so glad I bumped into on the sidewalk. Thanks for putting a dollar in my cup. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo


    • I’m also going to buy us both a coffee and sit down beside you for awhile. This must be why I’m stuck on the sidewalk – it’s where you meet the very best people in the world. {{{Hugs}}} 🙂


  5. hi, Grandmalin…thought i would pop over after seeing you so often over at my space (ha ha) and me following you but doing the bad blog follower motions.
    i’m like Kozo thinking…i never knew these things about your blog…thanks for sharing and all your visits. ♥


  6. Pingback: All About Me – What is BBT? | Beyond Beauty Tips

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