Nothing Lasts Forever

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Good things and bad things – they all come to an end eventually.  How profound was that, hey?  Don’t worry, there’s no deep and philosophical hidden message here.  More like a whining complaining mini rant about things over which I have no control.  Because I suck at endings and goodbyes.

Somebody told me I won’t be able to get my favourite erasable ink retractable pen anymore because they’re no longer being made.  WHAT??  That was shock number one.  I’m kidding, that wasn’t too horrible.  Shock number one is that Trifecta is ending and will not be issuing amazing challenges any more!  I know, I can’t believe it either.  I love Trifecta. This is like when great bloggers just wander off into the sunset and don’t keep up their amazing blogs and you wonder whatever happened to them and hope they didn’t die or something.  So all you bloggers out there who decided to just up and quit, please drop me a line that says hello, I’m not dead, if you’re not actually dead.

Our second year contact lens student who will be double licensed in June told me yesterday that she is going to apply for a management position that is coming available soon.  When these opportunities present themselves it’s best to make it known that you’re interested and available.  I know this, and mostly I applaud her ambition and wish her well.  But another selfish little part of me hopes she won’t get it and she’ll stay where she is working with me.  Because how is this not way better than anything else you could possibly imagine.  Anyway, that’s potential upset number two.

And now, the third shoe drops, (there are always three shoes)  I have just received an e-mail from my Avon lady telling me she is quitting Avon and doing something else instead and this week will be the last time she takes and delivers orders.  She breaks up our relationship with an e-mail!  I want to look her in the face and tell her how incredibly disappointed I am in her, because I was one of those customers who always ordered stuff, even when I didn’t need anything in particular because not ordering made me feel guilty.  Okay, I’ve just convinced myself that this ending isn’t such a bad thing after all and I don’t really need to get in her face.

Other endings that are not bad ones:

1.  Daylight Savings Time  (Who decided that taking an hour off the beginning of the day and tacking it on to the end of the day made the day longer?  Some jerk, obviously.)

2.  Trilogies.  After a long beginning and an equally long middle, I just want the story to get over itself and end already.

3.  Illnesses like flu and skin rashes and indigestion and hangovers. Yes, hangovers are an illness.  If you’ve ever had one, you know this.

4. Winter

5.  Bad relationships

6.  Good hair cuts, because that means the bad ones also go away.

7.  Candy Crush levels that cause serious fits of anxiety and temporary pattern baldness.

8.  Crazy work days and work weeks and all work of any kind.

9.  Headaches

10.  Monopoly at McDonald’s so we can go back to coffee cups with stickers you collect to get a free cup of coffee.  That way everybody wins.

So there are good endings.  And I know when something wonderful ends it simply means there will be a new beginning of some other wonderful thing, but that doesn’t mean I can’t wallow in misery for a bit and feel sorry for myself and pout and whine about it.  It’s my way of accepting whatever happens.  Nobody said it was pretty.