Art du Jour 59

This one is made up of random google images I randomly printed and even more randomly pasted to a canvas over a background of orange and yellow tissue paper.

I’m not sold on all that orange, but I thought too much sepia and brown would just be dull. And I went a little nuts with the stamping, but this time I used archival waterproof ink. What a difference, not having to worry about drying time and messy smearing by totally impatient me.

I love this idea, and now feel a little more confident about photocopying old photos of people I can actually identify and immortalizing their images in a less random fashion.

After I finish one of these there is always soft gel dried on my hands and fingertips and removing it is like pealing off layers of dead skin. Very freaky. And all my clothes are turning in to paint clothes with various splotches here and there of things that can’t be washed out.

So have I figured out that I should have a special few things to wear strictly for art? Nope. But I’ve thought about it, so that’s a start.

It’s another beautiful hot and sunny day here! If this keeps up we will be in for one hell of a thunderstorm soon. Enjoy your Monday.