This, That, or the Other Thing

Peacock, Giraffe or Glass of something bubbly? Decisions, decisions....

Peacock, Giraffe or Glass of something bubbly? Decisions, decisions….

The game of “This or That” can be extremely frustrating with its limited choices, don’t you think?   I find myself considering the two things and thinking ‘well, it depends…’ and wishing there were a third option.  So I made up my own game with the addition of ‘other’.

  1. Pancakes/Waffles/Crêpes Suzette
  2. Truth/Dare/Don’t Even Ask
  3. Stripes/Polka Dots/The Family Tartan Plaid
  4. White Wine/Red Wine/Double Harvey Wallbanger
  5. Black Coffee/Coffee with Cream and Sugar/Triple Venti Half Sweet Non Fat Caramel Macchiato
  6. Drive/Fly/Hot Air Balloon
  7. Jogging/Hiking/Sky Diving
  8. Ferris Wheel/Roller Coaster/Drop of Doom
  9. Gift Wrap/Gift Bag/Gift Card in a Plain White Envelope
  10. Dogs/Cats/Pygmy Goats
  11. Baby Doll/Teddy Bear/Voodoo Doll
  12. Make a Plan/Be Spontaneous/Fly by the Seat of Your Pants
  13. Roller Skates/Roller Blades/Roller Derby
  14. Phone Call/Text/Hand Written Note on Expensive Stationery
  15. Marathon/Sprint/Watching it all on TV
  16. Doctor/Dentist/Holistic Naturopath
  17. Cake/Pie/Brazilian Chocolate Brigadeiro
  18. See the Future/Change the Past/Live in the Moment
  19. Singer/Dancer/Circus Acrobat
  20. Piano/Guitar/Bagpipes

The purpose of these questions is supposedly getting to know someone, so let’s take it a step further and conduct a scientific analysis, like they do in those quizzes on Facebook.

If you picked mostly first answers, you are pretty predictable and, let’s face it, rather boring.  However, you are also calm, careful and charismatic.  (It’s always best to say something nice in these conclusions so people won’t hate your quiz and call it garbage.)

If you picked mostly second answers it means you take the time to consider the options and don’t just grab on to the first thing that pops up.  You are adventurous, warm-hearted and optimistic.  Seriously, your answers did indicate all that, I didn’t just make it up.

If the majority of your answers were of the ‘other’ variety, holy moly, you are just plain weird.  And by that I mean imaginative, mysterious and bordering on brilliant.  But mostly just plain weird.

Well, this nonsense is making me want to go take some REAL Facebook quizzes and find out who I was in another life and what kind of chocolate I most resemble based on my zodiac sign.  Important stuff.

Hope your Saturday is enlightening and fun.  But mostly fun. With a little weird thrown in.