Art du Jour 22

imageWe will forgive this girl the lousy make up job because she’s just so sweetly happy.  Believe it or not, I cut back on the mascara from the original picture I was using as a model.  How do these people keep their eyes open?

Yesterday I wandered around in Michael’s for a long time.  Retailers like this are very smart, or devious, or both. They lure you in to the store with a 40% off coupon on ONE regular priced item.  Their prices are all pretty ridiculous, so these coupons bring the amounts down closer to normal and affordable.  If you can go in to their store and purchase just that one item, you are ahead of the game.  But of course they know it’s very unlikely that you will leave with only one thing.  They offer different coupons every day and mark things down in some kind of random order.  I was looking at an art set for a Christmas present, but it was sixty-nine dollars. Today I see by the email they so helpfully send me every morning, that they now have it marked down to thirty-nine.

So I guess what I have to do is shop there every day for the rest of my life so I never miss a deal.  Or work there in exchange for sale merchandise.  Or use up all the art supplies I already have and stop shopping altogether.  I went there for tan coloured sketch paper and another white pencil.

Apparently I actually needed three sketch books and a dozen pencils.

But look at what I made!  So it was totally worth it.