Lost Soul

Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2010 - Druid Ceremony

Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2010 – Druid Ceremony (Photo credit: vintagedept)

It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die.

Before the sun sets, one of us must depart this earth. Thus fate decrees. What was done cannot now be undone. Do not weep for one lost soul. Celebrate tomorrow, and joyous rebirth.


Trifextra Challenge:

In The Scorpio Races,

author Maggie Stiefvater writes,

 “It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will
die.”  Give us the next thirty-three words of this story, as you imagine it.
Take it wherever you like, but make it original and make it 33 words

trifecta button

Breakfast Blues

honey on toast


by the slow flowing honey

he fashions one golden loop

on buttered toast.

Its impotence makes him weep.

His eyes close.

The wand slips from his fingers

and topples to the floor.

trifecta button

This weekend Trifecta asked for exactly 33 words, 30 of your own and three of the

topple     paradigm     underneath

nerve     honey   loop