Breakfast Blues

honey on toast


by the slow flowing honey

he fashions one golden loop

on buttered toast.

Its impotence makes him weep.

His eyes close.

The wand slips from his fingers

and topples to the floor.

trifecta button

This weekend Trifecta asked for exactly 33 words, 30 of your own and three of the

topple     paradigm     underneath

nerve     honey   loop

Fall Is In The Air Too Soon

Shorter days, cooler nights, freezing-my-butt-off mornings because I refuse to close the windows until it’s officially September – all indications that another summer is slowly but surely biting the dust.


September (Photo credit: Helgi Halldórsson/Freddi)

Since summer hours are ending, we have been advised of a work schedule change starting next month.  It is just plain weird and gives me all over the place shifts and long tedious mega days in a row interspersed with three and four-day weekends.  Yep.  No one asked me for my input.  But I believe in karma and that the instigator will eventually end up in hell, so it’s all good.

For several days I’ve been moving furniture around, preparing for the delivery of a new bed, which arrives this afternoon.  They promised.  I confirmed.  They will haul it in and set it up.  Good thing, because both my arms are broken.  Last night I moved the present bed to its new location, leaving a big empty space in my bedroom, and myself with the dilemma of where to go for the night.  It’s a big people-empty house with a lot of choices.  I went all the way across the hall.  So much for an adventurous spirit.  I can’t believe how much noisier it is over there where the window faces the street.  And how not firm the mattress is.  And how much brighter it is in the morning facing north-east.  There’s more than one reason why we give that bedroom to guests I guess.

Anyway, W – if you’re reading this – Surprise!  It’s pretty much a done deal and there’s nothing you can do about it now.  Don’t go off and leave me unsupervised for long stretches of time if you expect everything to remain the same.

As if anything stays the same forever.  I’m going to have to see a doctor about my carpel tunnel soon I think.  All this moving stuff about hasn’t done the condition any favors and now my right hand goes tingley and numb more often than I’d like.  Never would be a better option for this symptom.  It’s gone from annoying to just this side of worrisome.  So of course I’m trying to ignore it until the time comes when I drop something really important and breakable.

There are other things happening that are too new to talk about yet.  Some days I feel like one of those Joe Palooka punching dolls that gets knocked around and keeps bobbing back up for more.  This too shall pass.  The strong shall survive.  And probably complete wimps like me will too.


In the meantime, life goes on, and we all pretend we’re normal.  The sun is still shining, the grass is still green.  I have brand new sheets for my brand new bed, in a color called “toast”.  Frankly I would never eat a piece of toast if it was that color, but for sheets it’s okay.  The lights will be off anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Okay!  Nothing much left to do until the exciting DELIVERY and nowhere to go until it happens.  I’m off to enjoy the last holy Thursday of this disappearing month.

What Happiness Is

Yay, it’s another LIST!  I live for lists.  When I got home from work yesterday I realized that I’d been relatively happy all day long.  How odd.  I need to figure out why so I can do that again sometime.

Happiness Is……

 – waking up before the alarm goes off and realizing I can go back to sleep for another hour.

– having enough time to finish my morning coffee.

– booking extra walk-in eye exam appointments for the doctor so he has a much less crappy day.

– finding out all my contact lens patients have rescheduled or cancelled.  Proving my theory that if people book on a Saturday they will always think of something better to do with their weekend.

– listening to a wild and crazy thunderstorm and the rain pounding on the roof.

– realizing the rain has finally stopped right after remembering my umbrella is in the car.

– getting everything finished and clocking out on time because no crazy person wandered in after I turned the lights out to ask if we were closed.

– finding out it rained so hard it beat all the dirt off my car so now I don’t have to wash it.

– not having to stop and pick up anything on the way home.

– discovering I didn’t leave the bedroom window wide open after all.

– eating a piece of toast slathered with Nutella.  Knowing nobody saw me do that.

– watching “Water for Elephants” on Netflix, skipping over the cruel and brutal parts and replaying the touching scenes one more time.

– knowing that I’ve made it through yet another day, unharmed, still breathing, and mentally sound.  (Well, two out of three ain’t bad.)

It’s been raining all night long.  Our lawn is as green as a golf course and the air is so fresh it makes me want to breathe in and never exhale.  Have a Happy end-of-a-splendid-week-end Sunday.  🙂

My Favorite Comfort Food

Love Coffee

It’s rude to pick favorites, and I just can’t do it. The best I can manage is a short list with sincere apologies to anyone I’ve forgotten.

– cold potato salad on a hot summer day

– chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone

– yogurt covered raisins

– scones, hot from the oven with butter and honey

– turkey stuffing when it’s not even Christmas

– hot Starbucks coffee with a splash of hazelnut cream

– movie popcorn with extra butter

– veggies and dip, even though you wouldn’t expect them to be on this list because they’re actually good for you but the comfort part is in being able to eat a whole bucket full and not feel any remorse or guilt when you’re finally so stuffed you can’t move

– and honorable mention goes to toast for its versatility.

Don’t know how to answer the ‘why’ part either, because there are different foods for different moods and days of the week and seasons. A spread sheet might be helpful, and I’d make one up for you now if I had the time, but there’s some rye toast with peanut butter calling my name and I gotta go.

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