Hyperbole Could Be the Most Fun You’ll Have in This Lifetime.

Trifextra Challenge:  For this weekend’s challenge we’re asking you to include some hyperbole in
your piece.  It doesn’t have to be the whole piece, but it needs to be in there,
and we’re looking for 33 words, as usual.

More hyperbole

More hyperbole (Photo credit: soukup)

“It takes forever to get home by cab and costs a fortune.  I live on the other side of the universe.”

“We’ve asked you a bazillion times, please stop exaggerating.  You’re killing us.”

trifecta button

Authors Note:  The hardest part of this challenge was, for yours truly – the ultimate supreme hyperbole queen to infinity and beyond – having to stop myself at 33 words.  Whew.  But don’t cry me any rivers, I’m okay.  I refrained from setting myself on fire in frustration.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and lie down for a couple of days.

18 thoughts on “Hyperbole Could Be the Most Fun You’ll Have in This Lifetime.

  1. Pingback: That’s Just the Biggest Load of… « The Life of Kylie

  2. This piece is the cat’s meow. Hyperbole is my middle name. I couldn’t live without it. I wish I had a nickle for every hyperbole I said each day. I don’t think I know how to write anything without hyperbole!


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