Christmas Coffee

This is just one of the reasons why I love coffeepoweredmom (see, it’s not just her name, although I admit that’s exactly what drew me to her blog in the first place).  Anyone who gets powered up on coffee on a regular basis is certainly on my list of likeable, follow-able people.

Her Happy Holidays Photo Challenge is brilliant!  Coffee and Christmas – two of my favourite things.


Whoa – looks like somebody needs coffee to sober up on Christmas morning.

Peace on Earth and Hot Coffee for All

Peace on Earth and Hot Coffee for All

The only complaint I have about this challenge is that my coffee got cold while I was messing around.

Nutcrackers on Caffeine

Nutcrackers on Caffeine

Thanks coffeepoweredmom.  I hope lots of people brew themselves a fresh pot of coffee and take the challenge!  This was fun.

11 thoughts on “Christmas Coffee

  1. Wow! Fastest. Entries. Ever.
    Sorry that your coffee got cold, that’s a bummer, but your photos are so good I wondered if they were examples you had Googled!
    Also, thank you for the kind words. You sure do know how to make a girl blush!


    • The pictures were taken in my partly red living room – custom made for Christmas I guess although that wasn’t what I was thinking about when I painted it. Hope you get lots of entries – such a simple idea with so many possibilities. 🙂


  2. Pingback: *^*^* THAT LIST FOR THE HOLIDAYS,WHERE IS IT ??? *^*^* « ~~Wavensongz's Blog~~

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  4. Pingback: Addicted to your “Morning Brew”?… Why yes, yes I am. | Coffee Kingdom

  5. Pingback: Happy Friday! Coffee anyone? | Coffee Kingdom

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