Art du Jur 83


Or maybe I should say “art du réveillon de Nouvel an,” which might mean New Year’s Eve art in French, but to be safe, don’t quote me.  These are footprint pictures I did for one of K and C’s bathrooms for Christmas, because my son admired the ones hanging in mine that I did for myself.  Don’t ever admire something in my house unless you really mean it.

The photo was taken at night in not very bright light, so the colours are a little weird, but there’s never a lot of natural light in bathrooms anyway so maybe this is what they’ll look like, except less blurry.  Also I think they would look better hung side by side.

Okay!  My year in review!

Ha ha, sorry to scare you, I’m just kidding.  I survived it and that’s what counts.  If I don’t feel like looking backwards at the things I lived through, I can’t imagine why anyone else would want to.  My life is just not that damned interesting.  Onward and upward to another new start on the road paved with good intentions.  That doesn’t always lead to hell, does it?

Whatever.  I have a plan.  It may sound as if it’s made up of very vague resolutions. Because it is.

  1.  Try to blog something every day, even if it’s just a picture or a quote or a weather report.  And once you are disciplined enough to do that, hopefully some of your posts will turn into something better.
  2. Share your world fifty-two times!
  3. Use your page-a-day calendars for inspiration!
  4. Answer some WordPress prompts!  Maybe lay off the exclamation marks!
  5. Creating art every day is a pretty lofty goal, so try for twice a week.  And if there’s more than that, well yay!  I mean just yay, with less excitement.

Have you ever been so overwhelmed with all the things you want to do that you just sit down and don’t do anything?  Wow, I hope it’s not just me who does that.  And I hope I’ve gotten that bad habit out of my system for a while with such a slack assed December. Pardon my French.

January, my least favourite month ever, with 31 dreary days, is coming right up.  I would like to fill it with fun.  I have two half bottles of red wine in the fridge to finish up (in five ounce increments per day because that’s what diabetics are allowed) so I need to get right on that before it all goes bad.  I have several art projects on the go, and several more in my head.  Chapters had their calendars on for half price today so I walked down there and bought three of them.

PREPARED is what I am.  Bring it on, 2016, I’m ready for you.

Happy New Year everyone.

30 thoughts on “Art du Jur 83

  1. “Have you ever been so overwhelmed with all the things you want to do that you just sit down and don’t do anything?.”
    Hell yeah. The honesty and humor of your posts resonates with me and I’m always tickled by a line or two. I love the colors and subtle stamps in your art.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Mercy😊 I’m happy with the colours too. Always have to stop myself from going too crazy with the stamps which are supposed to be subtle, so thanks for that. Happy New Year!


  2. Happ……..y New Year! (That’s how we say it here, when we really mean it, or when the Merlot bottle has mysteriously gone empty. But the bottle is still under the sink, untouched, so I must really mean it). 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is perfect. You can keep the art in your bathroom…not that I don’t like it but the cow skull I have in mine is particular who he hangs with….hangs with…get it??? I digress. You keep the art but you’ve written my New Years list for me. Perfect. I’ll keep it. Thank you. Oh…you don’t mind do you….?

    Liked by 1 person

    • No I don’t mind at all…good thing someone is going to use it. 😄😄
      My sister in law had a kind of Wild West decor in one of her bathrooms once and I loved it. I can see how your cow skull would be mortified by bubbly foot prints. Happy New Year!


  4. The feets are cute, I know there’s no s on feet. :-). I’m one to have so much to do and don’t do anything. Then I chastize myself for not doing anything. Realizing if I worked on my project I could almost be finished. I try not to plan my blog. Every day is a new day. However I’ve been scheduling my post several days in advance. Hopefully that will help keep me pretty regular. Well anyway I wish you much blogging success with tons of creativity to express in 2016. Happy New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You totally crack me up!!! (Notice, I love exclamation marks too!) LOL! I think you deserve a gold star or at least a shopping trip after the year you’ve had, my friend! 😜 And yes! You more than survived, you came out singing (or swinging as autocorrect wants to say!) 😏 Here’s wishing you a year filled with less exclamation marks and more high fives. 🖐🖐🖐 ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jill! I will try to fill this month with more singing and swinging and being inspired by all your fun projects. Yes I DO deserve a gold star. Although I prefer red ones. High fives are good too. lol Happy New Year to you xo❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. OH, Grandmalin, what a shame! ;o Those bright and cheery paintings, and someone stepped right onto the middle of them with painty feet… 😦 I hope you catch that scoundrel. 😉

    Posting daily, eh? Gad. Yer mad! (As Margaret-Rose would say.)


    –O. Babe

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  7. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions since I discovered, years ago, how much I disliked failure. But, I found myself, on 1st January, speculating about allocating small increments of time to certain things with a view to increasing them gradually. What I ended up with was 5-10 minutes of daily yoga and working (any amount of time) on my book. So far – day two – done neither. I have, however, increased procrastination time to new levels and consumed vast quantities of chocolate. The wine, for reasons I’ve yet to explore, remains unopened. Don’t know what’s going on there. I’ve also succeeded in building several new villages in Europe and been awarded master status by the friendly onscreen avatar – which was nice.
    I have several knitting projects from last year in various locations in the house and can’t remember where I left off on any of them. I can see me ripping them out and starting again.
    Having said all that, real New Year starts for me when school starts back on Tuesday. At which point, I’ll no doubt, claim tiredness for my inability to follow through. :/
    Happy New Year to you and yours and here’s hoping (tentatively!) that failure is not an option. 🙂
    P.S. January sucks big time, no question!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHA!! I can certainly relate to taking procrastination time to new levels…I have watched several episodes of a murder mystery show and fought a bunch of clash of clans battles since spouting off about resolutions. Well, they are made to be broken, aren’t they? Otherwise what would we have to go on about next year? A very happy new year to you 🎉❤️🎉

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  8. I always enjoy your bubbles whether in paintings or words….delightfully honest and uplifting for all of us…..I get so overwhelmed at times that I make slips of paper with things I need to do, things to do for others, and things I just want to do and put them in three cups. Then I draw one from the need to do, one from the do for others, and one from the want to do. If I start with the need to do and don’t get anything else done, I’m still ahead of the game. But usually leaving my reward one for last gets me through them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a great way to prioritize! And I am all for rewarding myself. lol. My dietician told me to stop just mindlessly snacking on random things and to plan my treats ahead of time. So I am doing that now, and half the time forgetting to follow through actually eating them. How did she figure that out about me??? 😛


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