Sharing My World 52

My Curly Girl calendar for March. March apparently is pink.

My Curly Girl calendar for March. March apparently is pink.

Hello, I’m back!  (It makes me laugh when I read that somewhere else if I didn’t notice the person was gone.)  So if you think that’s funny I won’t be offended. I don’t know how an entire week has slipped by.  Never mind an entire month. I didn’t have to search for what number my last world sharing was to get the title right on this one because there have been no posts in between.  Procrastination has its perks.


Have you done something you truly want to do today?

Yes I have.  I drove to the U of A Hospital for my CT scan which has been booked forever.  Sat in an uncomfortably hot waiting room for about an hour, part of that time beside an unhappy baby.  He didn’t scream the entire time, but sure gave it his best shot.  Had a nurse prod the insides of both my elbows (that’s what she called them – so much more descriptive than simply calling them arms) looking for a good place to hook up the I.V.  Got that all taped on, walked some more hallways and waited in a different chair.  Eventually got put on the CT machine, shot up with dye and x-rayed to death.  Did you know that when someone says don’t breathe and don’t swallow, those two things are exactly what you cannot possibly live another two seconds without doing?  And then it was done and I was unhooked and got a gigantic piece of gauze taped on and was pointed in the direction of the exit.  And WHAT I TRULY WANTED TO DO at that point was to go home.  So I did.

What can you help the world with?

It’s easy to believe you’re just one insignificant little person with no real impact on anything but that’s simply not true.  I try to conserve energy and reduce waste, recycle, donate to charities.  I vote.  Mostly I’m a nice person trying to be helpful, thoughtful and kind.  Except maybe for when I’m yelling at rude drivers – but lets just call that talking to Jesus.  Calling out his name anyway.  I don’t know if he’s listening so I’ll just forgive myself.

If life was ‘just a bowl of cherries’… which fruit other than a cherry would you be..?

Inky dark purple grapes.  The kind used to make Malbec wine.  I don’t know, that sounded more fun than being a boring old apple or a lumpy raspberry.

Quotes List: At least three of your favorite quotes?

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.  Albus Dumbledore.

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.  Roald Dahl.

Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don’t always like.  Lemony Snicket.

What’s that guys name?  Soup Bottom Aladdin? My Grandson.

(Osama bin Laden – OMG.) (My Son.)

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

We had a nice visit over the weekend with the northern grandchildren.  Two have birthdays coming up in March and April.  Soon they will all be in double digits.  I’m grateful for good weather and mostly bare roads. The bump signs have me confused though.  We drove on a particularly rough stretch where two sets of big yellow and black bump warning signs were placed on the only two relatively smooth sections.  Is that some kind of highway humor?  I don’t get it.

I would like to say I’m looking forward to doing our income taxes but I’m only excited about getting it over with.  I have one more scheduled doctor appointment at the end of this month to follow-up on the CT scan and then  fingers crossed, I can forget about things like this for a while.

Because there is important artistic doodling and messing about to be done, and writing about it after the fact, and Malbec drinking and game playing and movie watching.  All things which probably are making the world a better place, right?  Just be nice and agree with me.  There.  How hard was that?


Things That Make Me Smile



There was no need for me to do a drawing today because my youngest granddaughter gifted me with this little family portrait which she whipped up in less than five minutes last night.   The bearded and moustached fox add a certain je ne sais quoi.  Towards the end she got lazy about adding hands and feet.  I know how she feels.

The drive up was uneventful, although even with clearly written instructions I was able to add another 15 minutes to the journey by missing turns and taking wrong streets.  I’m one of those people who doesn’t pay attention to where I’m going unless I’m behind the wheel.  Next time will be easy and I will knock down fewer garbage cans.  There’s a whole other story there but I’m not telling it here.

The mornings are earlier here than I’m used to with people rushing around getting ready and going off to work and to school.  But there’s an earlier bedtime too.  Not like being in a different time zone or anything and I’m confident I will adapt.

Today I got to break in a brand new blender making my morning smoothie.  No motors were burned out. Yay!   We have done some grocery shopping and gone out for lunch.  Before the week is out I should know my way around this city and be able to venture out on my own and end up back where I started.

So besides all of this, what else makes me smile?

Hearing my son read aloud to his kids from a Roald Dahl book.  We had a teacher in elementary school who read to us for a half hour every day after lunch (Ann of Green Gables was my favourite) and a dad who read us dozens of the Thornton W. Burgess books chapter by chapter as bedtime stories.  We never got tired of them.   I think he enjoyed them just as much as we did.  Having an adult read to you, even after you’re quite capable of reading to yourself, is a treat to be treasured.

And then there’s this word.


from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
n. The region of simpletons; noodles or simpletons collectively.

This is my new favourite word of all time.  It’s where I live.  I am the self declared queen of Noodledom.  It’s a fun place to be, and you’re welcome to visit any time.
