Sharing My World 47


Sunrise this morning in the neighbors back yard, from my back door.


What one thing are you really glad you did yesterday?

I am glad I actually did more than one thing yesterday so I have a choice to make here.  I finished a piece of art, I replied to comments (both in the virtual and the real world), finished a book (more on that another day) and watched a few more episodes of Midsomer Murders.  That’s not all I did, but I guess the other things were relatively insignificant. Yes, my life is exactly that wild.  W considers all my Netflix watching to be a colossal waste of time when I could be doing more productive things like baking banana bread and using up some of the 500 bananas socked away in our freezer.  If I had somehow persuaded him to stop buying so many bananas and letting them go brown and shown him how to bake his own damned banana bread, that would have been my greatest accomplishment yesterday.  I’m sure the opportunity will come up again sometime.

I do have an answer for this question.  Sorry for the banana rant.  I choose to be really glad I watched another murder mystery get solved and learned a couple of brilliant insults in the process.   “You’ve got a few of your pages stuck together”  and “You are three tomatoes short of a salad”.  Waste of time?  I think not.

Are you generally focused on today or tomorrow?

There really is no point being focussed on tomorrow if it means you’re going to miss today.  While we ate breakfast Carole King was singing “Will you still love me tomorrow?” Does she really want an answer to that?  Because nobody knows.  The power of NOW, people!  Don’t miss today’s pleasure worrying that it might not last.  Of course it won’t.  That’s why you make the most of it now.

Wow, I am rather preachy today.  Maybe some of my pages are stuck together.

Would you want to have a guardian angel/mentor? What would they tell you right now?

I have spirit guides.  They are invisible, and possibly imaginary. They tell me to calm the F down.  Mostly I listen to them and take deep breaths and accept what is.  Then I determine what changes I might be able to make if I don’t like what is.  Then I watch Netflix.

Would you rather live in a cave house or a dome house made of glass? 

Can you imagine the nightmare of trying to hang curtains in a dome-shaped glass house?  Can’t exactly nail rods up, can you?  I think I would feel too exposed for comfort surrounded by glass.  And just think of the endless ‘window’ cleaning.  A cave house sounds more cozy and snug.  Plus you could do cave drawings on the walls.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Since I cannot change the past or predict the future I will simply tell you how ecstatically happy and grateful I am that today is the 25th of January!  Might be the one a day posts which have made this month fly by, or simply the fact that I am a year older than I was last January and time in general keeps speeding up at an alarming rate.

The weather outside is gorgeous, sunny, plus 1 C.  The washing machine is churning away, the dishwasher is humming, the light is streaming in to my little art nook and my spirit guides are gently suggesting I get off my iPad and my ass and do something creative before I’m arthritic and blind and three tomatoes short.

Life is good.


Early Morning Yesterday

It was an early morning yesterday, I was up before the dawn

(Supertramp, Goodbye Stranger)

january 001

I wasn’t really up before the dawn and it wasn’t actually yesterday, I think it was the day before, but let’s pretend for the sake of my awesome quote that no one cares about the details.

Every morning when I get out of bed I pull the curtains aside and look out into the backyard to see what the day looks like.  And I guess to see if anything interesting is going on back there.  Nothing ever is, but you never know.  On this particular day the morning sky was absolutely gorgeous, so I grabbed my phone and took a picture through the bedroom window of….. the garage.  Then I woke up a bit more and decided to put a little more effort and some zoom into it and came up with these.

january 002  january 003january 004

january 005

A normal person might have put some clothes and shoes on and actually ventured outside to take clear pictures, but if I were one of those and had done that I think I might have missed it all.  In the second last shot which was over to the right, the colors were less intense and soon it all started to lighten like that. By the time I had coffee made the sky was back to its regular faded winter ice blue.

I’m so happy I didn’t miss this!  It was amazing.  If you’ve never heard of or seen the color called ‘sky blue pink’ before, there you go.  This is what it looks like.

Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise, sunset

Sunrise, sunset

Swiftly fly the years

One season following another

Laden with happiness and tears

(Fiddler on the Roof)

Both can be extraordinarily beautiful. The only thing wrong with the sunrise is that you have to get up so damned early to see it. It’s lovely over the river from the deck at the cottage, but if it’s chilly and misty and the coffee isn’t ready yet it somehow loses a lot of its appeal.

I’ll take a gorgeous Lake Huron sunset any day. They’re breathtaking. There’s just something about that golden globe sinking into the water and out of sight leaving a kaleidoscope of pinks and yellows and oranges behind it that stirs the heart and soothes the soul.

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