Sharing My World 42



Favourite thing to photograph? Write? Or Cook?

I like to photograph my art work in different lights and mess around editing the colours.  Then I can see things that need fixing.  Isn’t that weird?  You would think flaws would be easier to see in real life rather than on a screen.  I also like to take pictures of the outside from the inside, i.e. my back and front yards through the windows.   That is also weird, but I expect the novelty will wear off soon.  Well let’s hope so anyway.  Lately it’s my jungle themed Christmas.  See above for clarification.  Or consternation, your choice.

Obviously I enjoy writing about myself, I do so much of it, and that probably will never get old for any of us, because what else do we know more about?  Or less about and are still trying to write it all down to figure it out?   Poetry (even if it’s bad) is fun and challenging, but I haven’t written any for a long time.  And short stories are as ambitious as my fiction gets.  I don’t think I have the attention span to write anything longer.

There is nothing I LIKE to cook.  The only reason I do it at all is to keep myself from starving to death.

Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing?

Yes, I loved swinging as a child!  No, I don’t get excited when I see swings these days because they’re never old tires tied to thick ropes dangling from real trees!  Now that’s exciting.  Dad made those for us as well as the kind with big fat board seats.  And here’s another weird thing.  Kids twisting themselves around and around until the swing ropes are super tight and then letting themselves go to spin back in the other direction until they’re so dizzy they could puke.  Best fun ever.  Second best fun for us was going as high as we could go until we were at the peak of the forward swing and then jumping off into nothing but blue sky.  We wanted to see who could travel the greatest distance and marked our landing spots in the dirt with a stick.  My brother always won that one, no contest.  The last time we played it he also broke his arm.

What has surprised you about blogging?

How much I like people!  Well, that came out wrong.  How connected I feel to so many different bloggers from so many different places, who have lives so very different from mine.  And yet we are alike.  It’s a beautiful thing.  So many people with so many stories to tell, so many friends I’ve never met but have come to know and love and look forward to hearing from every day.  And when they’re not around I miss them.

List at least five favorite desserts.

Well what a thing to ask of a newly diagnosed diabetic.  Three months ago if I thought about it at all, I imagined diabetics were people who ate entire cakes for breakfast and a box of donuts for lunch.  I can take or leave desserts and rarely eat them, so it all seemed terribly unfair.  I have learned so much since then.  Like how lucky I am to not crave sweet things.  My body has a hard enough time with potatoes or bananas or toast.

Anyway, yes, I remember desserts!  Chocolate ice cream, brownies, coconut cream pie, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and chewy oatmeal raisin cookies.  I like those five, but can’t remember the last time I ate any of them.  I think it’s strange how we mess around with fruit making it in to pies and jams and cobblers and tarts.  Just eat the damn raw fruit, it’s fine the way it is.  Said the person who hates to cook.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful that W has not mentioned anything about Christmas music until today.  Wow, the 17th of December.  That’s gotta be a new record.  Normally by the 7th or so I am already having that swing twirling puke-type reaction to anything Jingle Bells related.  Now we have the sat radio on one of the (least offensive to me) Christmas stations.  He set the volume and I turned it down a notch.  See how we compromise and get along?  If he turns it to the country channel we are getting a divorce.

So next week is Christmas!  Wow, that snuck up on us while we weren’t looking.  There will be a turkey dinner but I don’t know yet what day, just that it will be after the 25th this year.  I like to carry on my mother’s tradition of celebrating Christmas on whatever day appears to be the one on which the highest number of people are likely to show up.  The Wing-It Family Christmas.

W’s six-week check up is next week (he will actually be seven weeks post op by then) and he should get the okay to drive, fingers crossed.  The chauffeurs life is not for me and I will gladly give it up.

Have a Happy Thursday and a great rest of the week!


Early Morning Yesterday

It was an early morning yesterday, I was up before the dawn

(Supertramp, Goodbye Stranger)

january 001

I wasn’t really up before the dawn and it wasn’t actually yesterday, I think it was the day before, but let’s pretend for the sake of my awesome quote that no one cares about the details.

Every morning when I get out of bed I pull the curtains aside and look out into the backyard to see what the day looks like.  And I guess to see if anything interesting is going on back there.  Nothing ever is, but you never know.  On this particular day the morning sky was absolutely gorgeous, so I grabbed my phone and took a picture through the bedroom window of….. the garage.  Then I woke up a bit more and decided to put a little more effort and some zoom into it and came up with these.

january 002  january 003january 004

january 005

A normal person might have put some clothes and shoes on and actually ventured outside to take clear pictures, but if I were one of those and had done that I think I might have missed it all.  In the second last shot which was over to the right, the colors were less intense and soon it all started to lighten like that. By the time I had coffee made the sky was back to its regular faded winter ice blue.

I’m so happy I didn’t miss this!  It was amazing.  If you’ve never heard of or seen the color called ‘sky blue pink’ before, there you go.  This is what it looks like.

Blog Tag – Wanna Play?

Thank you C.B. Wentworth  for inviting me to play BLOG TAG.

At least I think I mean thank you and not curse you.  I will let you know if I ever get to the end of this little assignment.   As a child I was not that good at being IT.  As an adult who has learned that no one wants to listen to me snivel about stuff, I have decided to play by the rules and give it my best shot.  And I was kidding about the cursing.  I’m flattered.  Really, I am.

I hope everyone who reads this will check out C.B.’s blog by clicking on the above link – it’s a delight to read and you’ll be glad you did.  I’ve been following her poetry, stories, artwork and photography – there are awesome things there for everyone.

The rules for playing blog tag are….

  • You must post the rules
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
  • Create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged (or use the existing ones)
  • Tag (eleven) people with a link to your post
  • Let them know they’ve been tagged

Here are the questions I’ve been given, and my answers to them.  Everything you never wanted to know about me and more great links coming up:

1) What is something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?  Teleport.  Right now it’s science fiction, but if instantaneous travel ever becomes reality I am SO going to be a frequent flyer.

2) What is your favorite quote?  “I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” (Agatha Christie)

3) What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?  I gave birth to babies. And then, even scarier, I had to be their mother.

4) If there were no rules, what would you do? No doubt I would make some up.

5) Stick shift (manual) or automatic transmission?  Automatic is certainly easier, but manual can be a lot more fun and definitely makes you pay closer attention to what you’re doing.

6) Mac or PC?  I’ve only ever had a PC but I’ve heard so many good things about Macs, when this lap top dies I think I’ll make the big switch.

7) You are a published author at your first book signing.  What message do you write with your autograph?  Happy reading?  I have no idea, and feel confident that this scenario will never come up.  But for sure I’d use a really great pen, like a fine point sharpie.  In purple, maybe.  Doodle some hearts and stars.  Personalize it with your name, which I will have to ask you how to spell.  Add a few hugs and kisses.  The line up will be slow-moving.  Better bring a coffee with you.

8) What charity is closest to your heart?  All the health related ones I guess.  Heart and stroke, cancer, diabetes.  And children’s hospitals.  Research and prevention.  We wouldn’t have to be searching so hard for cures if we could prevent these things from happening in the first place.

9) Name something that you think is underrated.  Yoga pants.  If everyone wore them, this world would be a much more relaxed and happy place.

10) If you could give yourself a new name, what would it be?  Ultimate Supreme Queen of the Universe has a nice ring to it.

11) What book or event changed your life?  I don’t know if reading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle changed my life, but it did change the way I look at it, and the way I experience things.  Instead of constantly reliving the past or rehearsing imagined future situations in my mind I am learning to let the involuntary thinking subside, giving way to stillness, peace and the joy of Being.  There is something to be said for having an empty head.  Put on your yoga pants and try it.

Here’s the 11 questions for those I have tagged:

1.  When is the last time you did something for the first time?

2.  What would your life be incomplete without?

3. What is your greatest fear?

4.  What makes you smile or laugh out loud?

5.  What’s your worst habit, and what are you doing to change it?

6.  Who (or what) is your best friend?

7.  What makes you sad (or mad) enough to cry (or punch somebody)?

8.  If you owned a boat, what would you name it?

9.  What’s your proudest accomplishment?

10.  What did you want to be when you grew up and how did that work our for you?

11.  If you were making a movie about your life, what actors would you chose to play yourself and your significant other(s)?

(Question number 12 is Do you hate me for tagging you?  but you can skip that one if you think I won’t like the answer.)

I am tagging:


the dancing professor


slapppshot…tales of a single dad

As I See It

Coffee Powered Mom

Coffee and Spellcheck

brainsnorts inc >.<


Andy’s words and pictures

The Meat and Potatoes of Life

There are many more tag worthy people I follow but the rules state that I must stop at the magic number of eleven.  If I’ve missed you, please feel free to answer my fascinating questions anyway. One way or the other, I’d love to hear what you have to say.  There was a lot of messing around to be done getting all the links right, but this was fun anyway.  And if it directs some new fans to these and other great blogs, my work is done.


Impossible to share the best photograph I’ve ever taken, because I haven’t taken it yet.

But this one is definitely in the running. What makes the shot so great?

Well, it’s two of my grandchildren, so greatness is simply a degree.

They’re together and not together. In the middle of the room but oblivious to everything around them, concentrating with intensity on their respective games. Cousins first, great friends next. Two peas in two I-pods. When they get together it’s a beautiful thing – a sibling-like bond that I think will last a lifetime no matter what future directions they both may choose.

They are compatible and comfortable with each other and they have a lot of fun. Somehow this picture says all of that.

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