Hello Hello Again

Holy Cow.  What the heck happened to the first week of May?  My page-a-day calendar is stuck on Tuesday.   One more work day and then I’m off into the wild blue yonder, ready or not.  Feels like I’ve been packing for weeks, but there’s a real science to ‘packing light’.  I wish I knew what that means and how to do it.

My silly ducks have been landing in the backyard every day since I first saw them, once early in the morning and once or twice late in the afternoon.  Sometimes they perch on the garage roof until they’ve checked things out, then they swoop down and clean up the spilled bird seed.  And then off they go until the next time.  Sometimes they’re joined by a squirrel, a crow and a magpie.  None of these creatures was what I expected to attract when I hung up my bird feeders, but this little mini zoo is what I got.

The lawn people have done our spring clean up, and tomorrow we’re supposed to get the shingles replaced on the roof of the house and the garage.  I guess that’s cheaper than buying a new house once the roof starts to leak.  The shingles are supposed to last thirty years.  Weird to think the roof will likely outlive us both.

Also weird is a lady who told me today while I was adjusting her glasses that she must have the arms bowed out so that they don’t touch her temples on the way back to her ears, because every time the wind blows, her head swells.  I swear I couldn’t make shit like this up if I tried.  I just did what she wanted and didn’t ask questions.

There’s a few posts scheduled to appear between now and the 27th of May when I return, but this process also got weird for me.  Felt strangely like time travel.  Or tempting fate.  So I stopped.  Time for a blogging break anyway, going somewhere new and experiencing something different.  And thus having something new to talk about.  As long as no one expects an intelligent Greek history lesson, we’re good.

Catch you on the flip side. ♥

6 thoughts on “Hello Hello Again

  1. Love the variation on the Irish blessing that you have been offered and so I offer it to you again, and you know about those Greeks and their gifts, right????? Have a wonderful time. As for the scheduling blog post thing, it feels weird to me, too, so I just don’t do it anymore.


  2. Re your customer…..She probably has allergies which are made worse by the wind blowing. Her sinuses clog causing her face to swell. Rather than tell a long story, she gave you the short version and it made sense to her, if not to you. My glasses make my face sweat,then they steam up and I can’t see well.
    The things we experience but don’t tell others.
    Have a great weekend.


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