Sharing My World 11


My world sharing got put on hold for a while and I’m not sure what I missed, but no one has been beating down my door to find out, so I’m just going to carry on.

Share Your World 2014 Week 48.

What is your favorite toppings on pizza?

In my ongoing quest to cut things out of my diet, I have given up pizza crust.  The gluten-free pizza crusts are okay, but I have also been experimenting with burned cheese crusts.  So far I have been unsuccessful at actually burning them!  I know, I can’t believe it either.  I’ve also experimented with zucchini as a base, baked with pizza toppings.  Yes, my life is just one bizarre experiment after another.

I like a pizza that’s loaded with lots of stuff – pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives, onions, green peppers, fresh tomatoes, ham, bacon.  Double cheese.  I haven’t cut dairy out of my diet because if I find out I’m allergic to cheese I’ll cry.

I want to learn more about …

I used to think I’d be good at watercolor painting, but that was a delusion.  Everything I try is a disaster.  Best to stick with acrylics and develop my basic skills with that medium I guess.  Improving my drawing should also improve my painting.  This is a strange time in life to be finding myself in art, but now I  have the time to do it and I’m learning new things every day.

What are three places you’ve enjoyed visiting?

If it wasn’t for my sister I would probably never have gone anywhere interesting ever,  except to her house.  We went to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) together, then with our spouses to Canada’s east coast (Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland), and this May to Greece (Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, Paros, Crete) with our sister-in-law, nephew and two nieces.  All wonderful trips, and I’m happy to have been to every one of those places.  However, when it comes to planning a trip on my own, or having a burning desire to go somewhere new, it’s not likely to happen.  I missed the travel gene, or bug, or whatever it is that a wandering gypsy has that I don’t.

Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cake or the cupcake first?

I would eat both of them together last, although I would prefer to be too full of other nutritious things to want to, and pass them up altogether.  Sweet things don’t tempt me, but anything salty is another story.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for a quiet week of nothing much and looking forward to another one like it.  It’s hard to keep up with me, hey?   I don’t know how I ever learned anything interesting before we had Pinterest and YouTube, and I am grateful for a seemingly unending wealth of information about things I had no idea I needed to know in the first place.  There is Christmas shopping coming up soon (I am procrastinating because there’s nothing that has to be mailed) and Christmas cards to write.  And fudge to make because apparently W can’t have a proper Christmas without it.



Art du Jour 22

imageWe will forgive this girl the lousy make up job because she’s just so sweetly happy.  Believe it or not, I cut back on the mascara from the original picture I was using as a model.  How do these people keep their eyes open?

Yesterday I wandered around in Michael’s for a long time.  Retailers like this are very smart, or devious, or both. They lure you in to the store with a 40% off coupon on ONE regular priced item.  Their prices are all pretty ridiculous, so these coupons bring the amounts down closer to normal and affordable.  If you can go in to their store and purchase just that one item, you are ahead of the game.  But of course they know it’s very unlikely that you will leave with only one thing.  They offer different coupons every day and mark things down in some kind of random order.  I was looking at an art set for a Christmas present, but it was sixty-nine dollars. Today I see by the email they so helpfully send me every morning, that they now have it marked down to thirty-nine.

So I guess what I have to do is shop there every day for the rest of my life so I never miss a deal.  Or work there in exchange for sale merchandise.  Or use up all the art supplies I already have and stop shopping altogether.  I went there for tan coloured sketch paper and another white pencil.

Apparently I actually needed three sketch books and a dozen pencils.

But look at what I made!  So it was totally worth it.