Sharing My World 33



What are some words that just make you smile?

Hi grandma!  (Those never fail to put a smile on my face.)  However, there are more, but they’re less popular;  skullduggery, skedaddle, brouhaha, mollycoddle, doozy, lollygag, shenanigans, bumbershoot, malarkey, kerfuffle, gonzo, humdinger, fuddy-duddy and gobbledygook.  I also like namby-pamby, but I’m not sure how to use it in everyday conversation.

You’re given $500,000 dollars tax free (any currency), what do you spend it on?

I have everything I need and more.  So I would like to get rid of something.  My debt.  And the debt of my children.  The reason we are all in debt is because we want for nothing.  Except for the cash to pay off everything we owe.  Half a million dollars would be very helpful.  I thought once we had our vehicles and mortgages and credit cards all paid up we would be debt free, but our line of credit does not want to go quietly into the night.  There’s always something.

What subject would you like to study in depth, if given the time to do so?

Zen.  Although I expect it would just give me a headache.  I have a little book of Zen sayings.  In the introduction Zen is described as “spiritual, uncluttered, calm, mystical, enigmatic – all at the same time.  It might be easier to describe the sound of one hand clapping.”  Many of the parables, haiku and quotes are simply beautiful.  And many confuse the living hell out of me.  Which is probably not a very Zen thing to admit.

Would your rather be stuck in a small plane with bad turbulence for 2 hours or be a passenger in a car racing the Daytona 500?

Seriously, if those are my two choices, just shoot me now.  Small planes bouncing around in high winds have a way of reminding you how fragile life really is.  And racing around in circles at ridiculous speeds is just dumb. That being said, I will admit I admire the people who are good at it.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for getting to see my grandchildren, at home and away in the last 2 – 3 weeks.  They are all growing older and growing up.  Although their parents may think it’s a slow process, I know better.  I am grateful for a new (some might say time-wasting) game that my son and two grandsons play and now I’m hooked on it too.  Thanks guys.  Of the four games I play religiously, at least one of the old ones must go.  Perhaps two.  My sanity is at risk.  And don’t tell me it’s too late.

The break from blogging has been good, although it wasn’t planned and just happened, and then kept on happening for much longer than any normal kind of break should.  I am a creature of habit, both good and bad.  If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, I must be almost there. And feeling like I have nothing but time to do whatever I want is almost as dumb as car racing.

Well all that didn’t sound very grateful.  No worries, I am getting back on a schedule.  Home delivery has ended here and I am walking to the new post boxes daily to get the mail.  Two days now, and no mail yet, but the walks are good.  I will get back to doing my art because now I have a mission!  I have a purpose!  Someone actually asked me for something!

Enough of the gobbledygook and lollygagging, it’s time to skedaddle and make some sense of the kerfuffle in the art room and create a doozy of a humdinger!  Or I could maybe take a break and play my games…..
