Easy as ABC

This post idea comes to you directly from Holly at Bloggity Ramblings, stolen from a number of sources, by the looks of things. Thanks Holly et al!

It’s a list!  It’s the ABC’s!  It’s all about MEEEEEE!!!!!!  My kind of thing for sure since I feel I’m an expert on the subject.  Feel free to copy the alphabet prompts and share yourself with your tribe.

A: Age – 66 and counting.  Next birthday is Friday the 13th in May.  My grandma started warning us at the age of 75 during every Christmas we were trying to celebrate that it could be her last.  I’m going to keep up this tradition starting soon.  She lived to be 99.

B: Biggest Fear – Deep water and being unable to breathe.  So drowning, in other words.  In a previous life I either did not survive the sinking of the Titanic, or I fell asleep in the bathtub.

C: Current Time – Well past noon.  I vow to finish this before the day ends.

D: Drink I Last Had – Coffee.  But before that I drank a big Starbucks tumbler of  Crystal Light (acai white peach papaya flavour) laced with a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, because it’s supposed to be good for many things, including lowering blood sugar.  I’m not recommending this concoction to anyone, because frankly it tastes even worse than incredibly bad wine.  Therefore it must be healthy and good for you of course, since all bad tasting things are.

E: Easiest Person to Talk to – My sister Ann.  I could tell her how happy I am to know that before we were born our souls chose to be sisters in this lifetime and she would not say I’m crazy.  Well, not out loud and to my face, anyway.

F: Favorite Song – Happy Birthday to you…..I know all the words and most of the tune.

G: Grossest Memory – It’s not all that gross, but it is funny.  My son wanted to have a collection of something and decided to save his toenail clippings.  Unlimited source and not a lot of thought or effort involved.  His passion for this hobby was thankfully short-lived.

H: Hometown – Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada, although I grew up on a nearby farm.

I: In Love With – Life.

J: Jealous Of – People who have more money than brains.  Although not so much the no brains part of that one.

K: Killed Someone?  Not yet.  Hopefully never.  Have watched a lot of murder mysteries and am not confident I could get away with it.

L: Longest Relationship –  Met W in March 1970 and married him in November 1971.  So that’s 46 years of wondering what the hell he’s going to do next.

M: Middle Name – Mae.  There’s a few of those in my family history.  It’s a good name.

N: Number of Siblings – three – one older brother, two younger sisters.

O: One Wish – Good health.  And if I can’t have that, acceptance of whatever life hands me, with grace and dignity.  Because foot stomping and howling is probably not the most attractive way to deal with shit.

P: Last Person You Called – Seriously it was probably a doctor’s office.

Q: Question You Are Always Asked – What the hell is wrong with you??  Haha…just kidding.  Is that your natural hair colour?  Because it is pretty much grey/white but with very dark hair at the back of my neck and my forehead.  Like anyone would do that on purpose.

R: Reason to Smile – I’m retired!  I could paint all day if I felt like it!

S: Song You Last Sang – Hotel California, but only in my head while trying to get to sleep.

T: Time You Woke Up – Yes, yes it is.

U: Underwear Colour – mostly black.  In fact almost everything I wear is black in my unsuccessful quest to become invisible.

V: Vacation Destination – I love to go home to Ontario to visit family.

W: Worst Habit – procrastination.

X: X-Rays You’ve Had – lower back, chest, teeth/jaw.  Then it’s on to MRI’s and CT Scans.  There are some doctors who know me inside out.

Y: Your Favorite Food – Salted peanuts.  It’s the first thing that popped in to my head.  We don’t have any in the house at the moment.  Damn.

Z: Zodiac Sign – Taurus.  Sign of the procrastinating peanut lover.

Okay, it’s your turn!

35 thoughts on “Easy as ABC

  1. This reminds me of the slam books we use to have in high school. Someone would make a book and you would answer questions throughout the book.the only way you were identifiable was by your number you put your name next to in the front. They were some nosey questions for teenagers. This was a fun read. I love your Jealousy answer.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well this was fun to read. Perhaps I will flag this for a future draft idea of my own although Share Your World is already proving a challenge. This might stump me completely, although I guess I could just make stuff up…

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I get along well with Taurus, my brother is one! 🙂 I am a Scorpio. I admire your long lasting marriage. I drink a lot of coffee, usually lightened by cream or milk, I enjoy sugar free flavors like caramel, vanilla or hazelnut added. Hope you have a nice weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Let me know if that apple cider vinegar helps. 😉 I might have to do this one as I read Holly’s first, now yours. It’s always nice to find out about people. Especially my fellow bloggers.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: It’s As Easy As ABC | Evil Squirrel's Nest

  6. Re: your “O” answer, it can be pretty adorable when a toddler does it for only a couple of seconds. 🙂

    (The adorableness fades quickly!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, the joy at seeing your little one standing up for himself with a screaming tantrum gets old pretty fast. 😄 I know some adults who are still having a hard time learning more acceptable ways to voice their anger….

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: EASY AS A B C – A LIST … JUST JOT IT JANUARY # 26 – ONENESS | teleportingweena

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