How To Have A Good Day

Colourful leaves in autumn

Colourful leaves in autumn (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From now on I’m going to start every to-do list like this:

1.  Write a list.

That way there will always be at least one item crossed off at the end of the day. Today was a much more successful list day than normal though.

Other things I managed to accomplish today included making an appointment with the dentist for yet anther chipped tooth.  This one happened on holidays while I was eating a handful of popcorn.  Dangerous things, those un-popped kernels.

My lab work, including an ECG (requested by my new doctor)  was done this morning, and there is a mammogram scheduled for Friday, same day as the dentist.  I prefer to get all of my physical torture over with in one fell swoop.

The health food store where I purchase chia seeds and coconut oil and veggie greens in powder form at exorbitant prices (go ahead, take a breath while I ponder how to punctuate that) is right beside Chapters, so although ‘buy books’ was definitely not on my list, I managed to buy some anyway.  Book stores just suck me in and spit me out with an armload of treasures.  A seven year pen with elephants on it can now be checked off all future lists.

I picked up a package at Purolator because I missed their delivery and I got to marvel at the gorgeous trees in this town on my drive home.  The leaves are just starting to change color, so I suppose you could say they’re at the pre-breathtaking stage.  Should have stopped to take a picture.  I’ll put that on the next list.

Then I came across this lovely little video – even if you’ve already seen it, it’s well worth another look and listen.  You think this is just another day in your life? Think again.

Every day of your life is a gift. I hope you’ve spent your Monday very well. ♥♥♥

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