The Second Cup


(From All the Ways Things Are on Facebook)

As much as I love that first cup of freshly brewed coffee on a Sunday morning, the second cup is even better.

While the coffee brewed this morning I suddenly decided to clean out my junk drawer.  I honestly can’t remember what sparked that burst of ambition, but I do know that if this happened more often it wouldn’t have to be such a time-consuming and complicated job.  Its current state seemed to warrant dumping the entire contents on the kitchen table.  Once that’s done there is no turning back.  This doesn’t mean I finished making sense of the mess (because it’s not done yet, 13 hours later) just that it will have to be dealt with eventually if I ever want to use the kitchen table again.

So that first cup of coffee had to compete with junk drawer sorting, a quick shower, hair drying, Facebook checking and e-mail perusing.  Insanity. Coffee should be savoured, not gulped down in amongst random morning tasks. And in case you think it’s amazing that I limit my coffee to two cups, you should see how gigantic my favourite mugs are.  They don’t hold half a pot of coffee, but close enough.

So I sat down in the living room to enjoy the second cup doing absolutely nothing.  Ha.  That’s not exactly true.  Unless playing Candy Crush on my I-pad is a big fat nothing. Which many people would agree it is.

Then I had a great visit with a former co-worker/friend who is in the process of landing another better job and has asked me to one of her references.  Made me realize yet again how much I miss her smiling face and the amazing person she is and always was to work alongside.  But life goes on and everything changes. We got each other caught up on the latest developments.  Two more people are leaving my workplace.  Perhaps it’s something I said.  And I’m wondering if I can stick it out for this last year before retiring next September.

Imagine all the second cups I’ll be able to consume at my leisure when my working days are done.  If all that caffeine doesn’t kill me first.  I would like to at least get all my pens, paper clips, elastic bands and rolls of tape in order before that happens.