What the Psychic Told Me

I’ve just spent an incredibly fun week with my sister – Ron and Jo arrived yesterday afternoon from Calgary to pick her up,  and they’ve headed back towards home this morning, via the states.  Shopping, eating out, going to movies, messing around with our PHONES.  Someone will no doubt invent something soon which will keep ones phone permanently attached to ones left hand!  Bridesmaids is one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in a very long time.  We liked it so much the first time, we took Jo with us last night and watched it again!    And of course we talked and talked and talked.

Yesterday we visited the Russian Tea Room on Jasper Avenue where readings are done – definitely a first for me, and I think it might be fun to go back again, being a little better prepared.  At the end she said she would answer ten questions for me, and after wracking my poor little brain I think I may have been able to come up with five.  I really wonder if my life is so incredibly boring that she couldn’t get into too much about me personally, but there was certainly lots and lots of stuff to do with family.  She did point out right away that I’m a very strong person, an earth sign surrounded by Alphas, but the one who keeps everything together – the rock of the family.  And apparently to me, home and family is everything.

I picked the Tarot cards and a full life reading – might as well go for the full meal deal.  Right away she started talking about my “son”, but it turned out to be my grandson once we established his age at 9 or 10.  He is bright and creative and destined to do something very brilliantly different with his life.  At some point he’ll have a falling out with either his father or his father-in-law.  I hope it’s not his dad – can’t even imagine that.  My ‘around the same age’ granddaughter also has a hidden passion yet to be discovered.  It will take her a very long time to figure out what it is and may involve books or writing, but it’s something she has to discover on her own.  If she marries, it will be later in life.    There is a pregnancy in the family that I’m very excited about, but it’s not my immediate family.  That would have to be my brother’s first grandchild, unless I’m missing something here.  There will also be a conception in October.  Which would mean another baby next July.  I suppose there’s many possibilities for that one.

She told me I’m separated from my husband.  That was a little disconcerting, even if she simply meant by distance.  But then I guess there’s all kinds of distances.  She said he has health problems but is in denial about them.  (Name me a guy to which that doesn’t apply).  I will outlive him.  It is highly unlikely that I will marry again.  Instead I will become the Ice Queen.  And my granddaughter is already the Ice Princess.  My son and his wife ‘take in strays’ and would like to save the world.  My daughter is the most spirited person in my life, and we have drifted apart and come back together many times.  She is a person who always gets what she wants, but mostly what she ‘wants’ is all wrong for her.   I have never much liked any of the men she’s been with,  although I don’t say so, and am just relieved when they’re gone, although also sad because I wish her happiness.

She told me my side of the family is all good, no big issues going on, but a lot of stuff going on with my husband’s side.  His father is not in good health and kind of done with living.  His mother will live to be 100.  (huge huge sigh from me…lol).  I did ask about W’s brother but she definitely skirted around that one, which makes me think the prognosis is probably not good.  For me, my blood pressure and circulation are possible areas of concern, and maybe some arthritis.  She told me I will have a stroke when I’m 93.  I made her repeat that number – how amazing if I live that long!  And she thinks the stroke might be fatal.  Gawd, at that age I don’t think I’d want any other outcome really.  She said I will never be rich, but will always be comfortably well off.  There is more money coming in the not too distant future.

She told me that I’m fed up and bored with my work and have lost all enthusiasm for it.  There is a move coming in the next 2 to 5 years, could even be sooner.  My husband does want to move and it’s possible that something will happen soon which will set the process in motion.  This next part of my life will see me being the happiest I’ve ever been, as long as I start preparing now deciding what I’m going to do with my time.  Otherwise I’ll sit around twiddling my thumbs going stir crazy.  She suggested that I like boats and fishing.  That got an eye roll.  I’m sure they’re in my future, but liking them is a stretch.  She also told me I think I don’t like to travel, but that it’s really something I secretly enjoy doing and I should do more of it.  There will be two trips this year, one inland and one having to do with an ocean, although not necessarily crossing it.  And this Christmas may be a good time to break with tradition and take a trip.  (Later Dana told me she and Jen have been thinking about a Mexican Christmas!  I’m sure they were wondering how they’d ever convince me to join them!!)  I’m so obviously a stick in the mud about so many things.

I have also come to a point in my life where I’m completely done with solving other people’s problems.  I just don’t want to do it anymore.  I want them to ‘get out of my head’.  She said that my sister and I are very different.  (Since other psychics have consistently told Ann she is a born healer, I will have to assume that a healer is something I definitely am not.)

Anyway, what can I say?  The whole process was just great fun.  Next time I’ll feed whoever it is a lot more information, and I’m sure that will give me a lot more interesting stuff in return.  And I’ll definitely dream up a few more questions!  Man, what a completely uncurious person I am.  Dana had her reading done right after mine, and I think the psychic quite enjoyed doing the mother/daughter thing.  There is a soul mate in Dana’s future!  I’m more excited about it than she is I think!!  Too funny.  We must just sit back and let the universe unfold as it should.  Or something like that.  And when you think about it, seriously, what else can you do?