When in Doubt, Act Stupid

  • The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.  (Bertrand Russell)

    When in doubt, the person whose advice I seek first of course depends entirely on what I’m in doubt about.  Best to talk to an expert, somebody who knows.  Although great advice can also come from the most unexpected sources.  You only have to listen.

    When I’m uncertain and apprehensive, undecided, all at sea – the people who know me best and care enough to help me muddle through my current dilemma are my family.  Near or far, doesn’t matter.  I trust what they have to say, knowing it comes from the heart.

    Then I have to deal with my cold feet, qualms, second thoughts and skepticism and make the final decision that’s right for me.  All suggestions duly noted and considered, in the end I’m on my own.

    If I’m puzzled and confused about the facts, I google.

    A lot of the time I think we already know the answers, but simply need someone else to validate the way we feel and approve of the action we’ve already decided to take.

    If someone asks me for advice I tell them what I’d do if it were me.  I tell them what I think, and offer some solutions.  Or only one, if I think there’s only one that has a hope in hell of working.

    Nothing irks me more than being told that my advice is faulty, that it will never work, or that some other way is definitely better.  If you’ve asked for my advice and I’ve given it and you don’t like it, I think this conversation is done. Go ask somebody else for the answer you want.  And the next time you want my opinion, I’ll act completely stupid about it and just say I don’t know and save us both the aggravation.

One thought on “When in Doubt, Act Stupid

  1. I liked that..good sensible no quibble answer. If I need advice because I doubt my own judgement I will call upon you

    love P


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